Classroom Information

Welcome to 8th Grade Math


Students will earn two grades, an Academic and an Effort grade. The academic grade is based on the standards in the course. Students will be assessed using the above listed standards and assigned a proficiency level for each standard. 

Academic: A-F grades

-Students demonstrate mastery of the concepts based on tests and projects. Students may make up these assignments to show mastery after being re-taught, getting tutoring, or independently studying.


Effort: Excellent, Satisfactory, and Needs Improvement grades

-Effort grades represent students behavior in class, participation on assignments and discussions, and work completion of homework or class assignments.

Absent Policy:

If you are absent, you are responsible for getting and completing the classwork and homework that you missed. There will be a file folder area that will have copies of all of the handouts or descriptions of the assignments that were given on the day you were absent. You will have one day for each excused absence to turn in lessons and or make up tests.  there will be no make-up assignments or quizzes, or late work accepted without a serious and compelling reason; which is subject to instructor approval or an documented excused absence. 


Behavior Expectations

All students will be held to the expectations of being a T.R.A.C.K student:


  1. Trustworthy
  2. Responsible
  3. Accountable
  4. Collaborative
  5. Kind


Middle School Consequences:

Verbal Warning

Seat Change

Buddy Room with Reflection Sheet and Parent Phone Call

Lunch Detention





Positive Notes/Calls Home


Weekly Raffle

Monthly School Drawings (BBQ, etc)