Classroom Updates


Your child should have 5 Folders. 

Blue folder: 

 This is the take home folder. This folder will come home daily and needs to be sent back each day.  Please send all notes, money and other important things you want me to find to school in your child’s folder.  (A labeled & sealed envelope is greatly appreciated.)  Your child will use this folder to keep track of their work, and other important school documents. They may need support with this at the beginning of the year. 

** Please look through this folder with your child every day, this will create an after school routine of them getting to show you their hard work and working on their homework. This gives them the message that you value all of their efforts and prioritize their learning!

Orange folder: 

We call this the “Under Construction Folder”. This folder stays at school at all times and should not come home in their backpacks. This folder contains work we need throughout the week. This folder will not go home. 

Green : The green folder will be used for ELA/Reading assignments we will be working on in class. This will not go home. 

Yellow : The yellow folder will be used for Spalding assignments. This folder will not go home.

Purple : The purple folder will be used for Math assignments.  This folder will not go home. 



If you wish to contribute to our classroom, please feel free to check my amazon classroom wish list.

Amazon Wish List: