8th Grade Syllabus

Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures

7th Grade Social Studies. 

Mr Michael J. Dees  mdees@laveeneld.org

602-237-7040 Ex. 3478


Course Description:

This American Civics course is a survey of American history beginning in 1760 Colonial America through 1890 Imperialism, then from 1918 the Soviet Revolution through 2019 Global War on Terrorism. This course is designed to help students understand how and why particular events and patterns of events occurred in our society. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a historical background of the 21st Century. This course will enable students to understand the geographic, political and economic developments that affect current events.


Course Expectations:


Students in this American History class are expected to develop writing skills, to keep up with reading assignments, and to begin the process of historical analysis critical to understanding and interpreting the past. Students are expected to come to class prepared and to complete assignments on time.


Course Objectives:


Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Civil Rights

Human Rights and Genocide 








Textbooks and Materials:

Discovery Education Social Studies Online Textbook.

Google Classroom






Grading Plan:

Grades are based on the point system. Each assignment is assigned a point value based on its difficulty and importance. Bellwork and class participation are considered Effort grades and are scored on a 5-point scale. Biographies and Case Studies are worth 5. Quizzes, projects, and assignments are worth 10 points. Group assignments are worth 15 points. Tests are worth 20 points. The student’s final average is computed by taking the total number of points received divided by the total number of possible points creating a percentage.


For Example:

         Unit Test-       You received 18 out of 20 possible points

        Section Quiz-         You received 5 out of 10 possible points

        Assignment-           You received 8 out of 10 possible points

         You earned:             31 out of 40 possible points. 

         31/40 = .775 or 76%


  • Most of the student work will be turned in on Google Classroom. There will be a few papers that will be turned in.
  • Any work not completed during the daily lesson will be considered homework. Any work done in class or at home should be submitted on Google Classroom before the due date. 
  • Any work turned in after the due date is considered late. Google Classroom will label the work as late if it is turned in after the due date. The students will lose ten percent of the grade for every week it is late for up to four weeks. If the work is more than four weeks late it is considered a zero. 
  • Each student will participate in several individual/small group activities/presentations.
  • Grading Scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 or Below


Course Policies:

Student Work: Students will be expected to complete assignments outside of class time on a regular basis.  All students are expected to read class material, think critically and write effectively. Students are expected to use complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling in every written performance. If the student does not have internet access at home, it is their responsibility to inform the teacher. The teacher will come up with an alternate plan for the students to complete their work. 

Group Activities:  You will be working in groups on a regular basis. Your group will be given cooperative learning activities to complete. You will be expected to be an active member of your group and participation points will be assessed accordingly.  You will always be graded as an individual; however, your group may earn points together that will lead to a reward.

Extra Credit: Opportunities for extra credit is rare and may be offered sparingly.  Extra credit is extra work above and beyond the usual homework and not work used to cover up missing work.

Absences: If a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to get their work done in a timely manner. Their work is online so they can access it anytime and anywhere as long as they have internet access. 

Test: All tests in this class is an open-book tests. The students are not tested on memorization, but on the ability to find and interpret information. This is a skill that they will use in High School and beyond. Students that fail a test will be given a chance for a retake. They can not retake a test for a better grade if they passed, so they should take their time. Talking during the test is not permitted. Those that choose to talk will receive a zero on their test. They will be able to retake the test but will lose 20% of their grade. 

Homework Pass Students have the opportunity to purchase a homework pass with their Liveschool points once per quarter. They will receive full credit for the assignment. A homework pass can only be used for one assignment worth 10 points or less.  

Class Rules:  

.     Be on time, be prepared, be respectful, and be responsible.

  •       The student is expected to treat the teacher and other students with respect at all times. Offensive language and hatefulness are not acceptable in this class. You know what is right and wrong and you will be expected to act accordingly.

.      No running, playing or horseplaying in the classroom. You will be given an opportunity to socialize, run, and play during your lunch and specials. 

.      No throwing objects in the class, this is a safety issue. This includes trying to shoot a basket with a piece of paper. If you need to give someone something, then hand it to them. 

.      No eating food, chewing gum, or drinking liquids other than water while in class. 

  •         Students are expected to be in their assigned seats and prepared for class when the bell rings. Being prepared for class means having all materials, Chromebooks, pens, etc. out. 
  •         Pay attention. Talking while the teacher is instructing or while other students are presenting will not be permitted. Listen the first time directions are given.
  •         Students will stay in their assigned seats at all times unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
  •         The phrase “I don’t know” is never an acceptable answer.

.      The Chromebook is for doing classwork only, so there is no emailing, music, games, movies, taking pictures, or on other websites during class.  

.      Smartphones are not allowed in class. If a student has one, it must be on silent and in their backpack. If the student is on their phone, the school administration will be informed and corrective action take place.

 –     Headphones and earbuds are only allowed when the lesson or test requires it. Keep headphones and earbuds in your backpack or pocket or it may be confiscated. 

–      Students are expected to pay attention when videos are played. There is no talking, drawing, sleeping, or doing assignments when a video is being played. 

Online Rules

–   Be on time to class

–   Have your camera on and microphone off

–   Be respectful to others and

Statement for Academic Dishonesty:

Academic honesty is expected in this class. Cheating will not be tolerated. Consequences may include a reduction in grade on an assignment, repeat assignment, no grade on an assignment or others as deemed appropriate. Academic dishonesty will be reported to a school administrator and a parent will be notified.



Plagiarism: “ The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” (“Plagiarism.” Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 20 Feb. 2009. .) Access to technology makes it easier to copy the work of others. Students will learn what constitutes plagiarism and how to steer clear of it. As a rule, if there are three words in a row that someone else can claim, cite it. Plagiarism is stealing and cheating and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is against the law. When a student is caught plagiarising, they will get a zero on their assignment, receive lunch detention, and receive a phone call home.


Parent-Teacher Conferences:

Teachers will contact parents/guardians to share good news concerning their student’s educational growth or to discuss behaviours or work habits that might cause the student difficulty in class. Students are to meet outside of class time with the teacher to discuss questions or concerns related to the class.  If this contact does not resolve the issue, students are to contact the principal. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers through e-mail.