Dear Vista Families,
Thank you for your continued support and participation in accessing our online learning resources!
As you know, our classroom teachers are providing digital lessons and resources through Google Classroom. As we continue we want to make you aware that there will not be any live videos. This is to ensure the highest level of security for our staff, students and community. Moving forward all messages from staff members will be recorded.
Our classroom teachers are continuing to provide additional information through their weekly communications via email and phone calls home. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to them for further clarification.
Because we were unable to celebrate our 3rd quarter Honor Roll and Principal’s List students we have attached certificates that you can print at home. We are so immensely proud of ALL our Tigers!
We know that our Vista Tigers are continuing to show their Tiger’s ROAR even though they are not on campus and we want to hear what they are doing! How has your Vista Tiger shown ROAR? Please submit using our digital google form detailing how your kiddo has shown ROAR so we can continue to highlight our kiddos during our virtual morning announcements.
It is our goal to continue to work together to provide academic and emotional support, instruction, and resources for our students during these difficult times.
Thank you for your partnership!