Classroom Updates
Week of Dec. 11th
Week of Dec. 4th
Week of Nov. 27th
Week of Nov. 20th
Week of Nov. 6th
Week of Oct. 30th
Half Day:
Tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 1st, is a half day.
Spelling Bee: Our school spelling bee is coming up! Our class will need to choose two top spellers to send to the school spelling bee. Students were given a list of words to practice. They will be tested on those words on Friday.
Week of Oct. 23rd
Red Ribbon Week:
It’s that time of year to celebrate Red Ribbon Week, the nation’s largest drug prevention campaign. This year’s theme is Your Future is “Key” so stay drug free! This campaign is a great way for Paseo Pointe staff and students to show their commitment to live drug free.
We would like your support in participating in the following events.
- Monday: “Say NO to Drugs”-Wear red
*Staff and students can wear red-Students in uniform bottoms*
- Tuesday: “We’re too bright for drugs”-Wear neon and sunglasses
*Staff and students wear neon colors-Students in uniform bottoms*
- Wednesday: “Our Future depends on being Drug Free!”-Wear college shirts/jersey
*Staff and students can wear a college shirt-Students in uniform bottoms*
Kick-off to “College Bound Wednesdays”
- Thursday: “Join the drug free army!”-Wear camo
*Staff and students can wear camo-Students in uniform bottoms*
- Friday: “Rams RISE above Drugs”-Wear Green and Gold
Book Fair:
The Wild West Book Fair is coming to your town October 23rd -27th!
Here are the times for the book fair:
Monday- 7-730am, 230-3pm
Tuesday- 7-730am, 230-3pm
Wednesday- 7-730am, 230-5pm
Thursday- 7-730am, 1130am-12pm, 3-6pm
Friday- 7-730am, 1130am-1pm
See you at your scheduled time and date. If you have not scheduled a date and time, please contact me as soon as possible.
Half Day:
Thursday and Friday will be half days because of parent teacher conferences.
Box Top Contest:
The next Box Top contest began on Monday, October 16th. Send in those Box Tops!
Homework Club:
I will be starting a homework club for our class on Thursdays, starting after fall break. This will be an extra hour where students can work on homework and/or missing assignments. I will pass out permission slips the week we get back from fall break, in case any students are interested.
Gum Chewing:
Students have been warned against chewing gum in class. Our carpet has been ruined with multiple gum stains etc. If any students are caught with gum, the consequence will be more than a warning.
Google Classroom:
Some of the assignments students might be missing can be found on google classroom. Here are the steps on how to sign in:
1.Go to
2.Make sure no one is logged in Google
3. Students will need the google classroom class code: j9fmsl
Just a reminder that students’ homework consists of: a weekly reading log and any unfinished assignments from the day. Reading logs are due at the end of the week. Many students are still not turning in their reading logs on Friday.
If students want to buy Scooptacular ice cream, they can do that every Tuesday for $2.00.
Lunch Application:
If you have not filled out a lunch application form for your child(ren) please do so. Even if you are certain that your child(ren) do not qualilfy for free or reduced lunch prices, filling out an application is beneficial to our school. Go to to fill out online.
Share our classrooom donorschoose project request.
Headphones and Mice:
If students would like to bring in their own sets of headphones and a mouse to use with their chromebook they may do so. It is their responsibility to take care of these items.
Fry’s VIP Card:
If you have not linked your Fry’s VIP card to our school, Paseo Pointe, please consider doing. This is an easy way for our school to get money.
Tax Credit:
Please consider donating to Paseo Pointe through tax credit. Please contact our front office if you have questions about this. You can also visit our district and school website for easy to follow steps and how to donate to our school.
Sunny D Labels:
Please donate Sunny D Labels to our class. For every 20 labels, our class can get 20 free books!