Classroom Updates

Curriculum Night

Vista will be hosting our annual curriculum night on Thursday, August 29th. There will be three sessions of the information presented. The fourth grade team presents together for your convenience so that you only need to attend one session in case you have multiple students attending. The sessions will be held from:

5:00-5:30 PM
5:30-6:00 PM
6:00-6:30 PM


We ask that if a session has already begun that you wait for the next one. We will be focusing on standards, technology support, and strategies that you can help your child with at home.

We will also email out the presentation after curriculum night for you to refer back to at any time. We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday night!


Science Test on Monday

This week we talked about physical features of plants and animals and how scientists use those characteristics to classify plants and animals into different groups.

We will be assessing on this weeks standards on Monday.Attached to this post is a practice assessment students can take to prepare over the weekend. This is optional and for their use. I will not be taking the practice for a grade.

Students will be expected to:

* Describe the features that make animals unique from other living things.

* Compare and contrast the physical features of different animals.

* Classify groups of organisms based on common physical characteristics.

* Explain the connection between an animal’s physical features and the ways in which it meets its needs for food and movement.

* Describe and explain some of the features plants have that help them survive, grow, and reproduce.


Physical Features_ Practice Assessment

12/5 Perfect Attendance Dress Down

If you received an email from me stating that your child had perfect attendance for the month of November they may dress down for free on this day. If your child dresses down but they did not have perfect attendance they will be asked to call home for a change of clothes.

11/16 Fall Carnival

I hope you all can join us for the fall carnival on November 16! There are going to be some great activities and I have heard that Ms. Lynch will be battling the dunk tank!

11/14 Early Release

This will be a half day. Please make arrangements and make sure your child knows how they are going home on this day.