Classroom Information

My name is Cynthia Torrez. I was born and raised here in Phoenix, Arizona. I attended Arizona State University where I received my Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education. I have taught Kindergarten, first, and second grade the past six years. This year, will be my seventh-year teaching and my first year here at Paseo Pointe. I am a mother of 4 lovely boys; 3 of whom attend here at Paseo Pointe. I love to spend quality family time outdoors.

Here are a few of my FAVORITE things:

Colors: Teal

Book: If you give a mouse a cookie (love all the series of this author)

Drinks: diet coke, iced coffee, and hot chocolate Maria

Snacks: Peanuts/Almonds M&Ms, Cheez-It, Strawberry Cheesecake Ice cream

Hobbies: bake and go to the movie theaters

Thing to Do: Spend time with my family, travel, and pampered myself occasionally.