Good morning, Loves!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend and was able to enjoy the gorgeous weather we had. We are getting super close to finishing our novel, The Giver. We are reading chapter 17 and answering three key questions from the chapter. There are some pretty intense events that will be taking place throughout the remainder of the novel.

I read a part of Chapter 17 to you in one of the short videos. Pay attention to how Lily talks about the twin getting Released. Email me or comment on the assignment if you aren’t understanding a question or a part in the novel.


Remember, this Wednesday, April 8, from 11:30-1, SEVENTH grade is handing out hard copies of assignments. If you have completed any assignments that are in paper form, you may drop those off as well.

Thank you for everything that you are doing! I can tell so, so many of you are taking your time and thoughtfully responding to the work you are being given. Remember to take your time, do what you can, don’t stress about something if you don’t understand it, and ask me for anything you need. I love you, guys!


Mrs. Harp