Classroom Updates

“Let ‘Em Play God” Close Reads need to be submitted by TUESDAY

As there are still a number of students who need to submit/complete the “Let ‘Em Play God” Close Read – I will hold of on putting in the grades for those until next week!  HOWEVER, they are DUE Tuesday, and I will NOT be able to give you time during class to work on those!  So PLEASE!  Get that done and submitted to me ASAP!

**Everything else that I have turned in to me (late, redo, otherwise) has been graded and entered. (Except Effort grades- I will update those Tuesday, I promise!)

Have a great weekend!


Late work has been graded

If you submitted late work or if you redid an assignment- they are graded and entered.

*In the case that the redo score was lower than the previous score given, I left the higher of the two grades- meaning, if your grade didn’t change I either didn’t get the remake assignment OR you didn’t do better on the redo.


Hello all!

So, I have had a few students come talk to me about their grades!  In my gradebook, academic and effort grades are combined.  So- in my gradebook, grades do not look as low as they are appearing to students.  I am working to fix this situation and would like to remind students that they can fix their assignments for a higher grade.  I am sorry for the inconvenience. Shou

Quick reminders as we go into the weekend

Happy Friday, everybody!

Few reminders:

We start NWEA testing MONDAY!  It is important that you are in class on time and ready to go!

*Gum is still an issue!  Please leave gum at home! (Or in backpacks and away)

*Phones need to be OFF AND AWAY while in most parts of the building INCLUDING classrooms!  (This will be especially important during testing).

Crocs need to be in “sport mode” (with the backs on) to be considered dress code!  Please do not wear them as slides!

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s progress on testing next week!