Classroom Updates

Meal Service Information

Meal Service: School meals are offered through daily curbside service.  Breakfast and Lunch are served together from hours 10 AM – 1 PM.  Meals are free for any child 18 & younger living in your household.  Parents/Guardians who are picking up meals on behalf of the children in their care will be asked to complete and display a placard in their vehicle.  This form is provided the first day you participate in the meal service.  USDA has extended the Summer Food Service Program through December!

4th Grade Email Update- 7/28/2020

Hello 4th grade families!

We really enjoyed talking with you today! We are excited about this school year and getting to know our students! We know that we gave you a lot of information today, so here is a recap:

  • Chromebooks and school materials will be distributed this week for students to use at home. We encourage you to pick up materials on the day and time that is scheduled for your last name so that your student is prepared for online instruction.
  • Instead of our typical in person Meet the Teacher, we will be sharing out a website later this week with distance learning resources, as well as a welcome video from Mrs. Epacs and the 4th grade teachers
  • We  look forward to starting our first day of distance learning on Monday, August 3rd. Our parent orientation will begin at noon, followed by 30 minutes or so for us to meet our students, students to greet each other, and parents to ask questions.  You will receive a link to the parent orientation website, which includes codes for you and your child to log into their Google Classroom where the parent orientation class will be held online.
  • The expectation after the two days of orientation is for your child to log in every day at the assigned times to be a part of our live lessons.
  • 8:00-9:30 Block 1
    9:30-9:45 Break
    9:45-11:15 Block 2
    11:15-12:00 Lunch
    12:00-1:30 Block 3
    1:30-2:10 Specials
  • We look forward to virtually meeting you at the time scheduled below!

Thank you so much for speaking with us today and for your continued support. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s homeroom teacher.

Mrs. Rysdyk

Ms. Long

Mrs. McKay

From the Principal 5/4/20

Hello Vista Families!

Hard to believe we have now entered into May!  We wanted to take an opportunity to touch base with our families regarding some upcoming dates as we close out our school year.

Student Materials: Currently our teachers are working to gather the belongings that were left behind in the classrooms.  Students’ belongings are being put into plastic bags with a name label on them.  On the dates and times listed below, families will be able to come gather these belongings.  We will do a drive by pick up through the front office area.  Staff will be placed along the area to distribute the supplies.  Please DO NOT park and walk up to the gates.

Monday, May 11th

  • 8 to 12-last names A through D

  • 12:30 to 3-last names E through M

Tuesday, May 12th

  • 8 to 12-last names N through R

  • 12:30 to 3-last names S through Z

Chromebook drop off: Our last day of school will be Monday, May 18th.  After this date ALL Chromebooks that have been checked out will no longer allow a student to log on.  If you have checked out a chromebook, they must be dropped off on the schedule that follows:  Tuesday, May 19th and Wednesday, May 20th from 8am-12pm.  Please DO NOT park and walk up to the front gate.  We will have staff positioned around the front office drive up area to collect the Chromebooks.

Library Books: If any kiddos have library books at home we will need to have them returned on Monday and Tuesday, May 11th and 12th.  When you come to pick up your students materials, you can drop off the library books at that time.

Yearbooks: We have been notified that due to production delays the yearbooks will not arrive until the end of May. We will keep you update as to their arrival and our distribution process.

Staff Parade: One of the many challenges this time has brought is the inability to say goodbye to our students and families.  We wanted to create an opportunity for those that are willing and able to do so.  On Tuesday, May 19th from 8am-9am we will be doing a staff parade.  Families can drive through our front office drive area and wave to their kiddos teacher and say hello.  The Vista staff will have special messages to share with our students as encouragement and we send them off into summer vacation.

Email to Parents 5/1

Happy Friday Families,

Can you believe it is May and we are in the last few weeks of the 4th quarter?  It seems like this year has just flown by.
Vista update:  Please be on the lookout for communication through Vista in regards to opportunities to come to school to retrieve your child’s personal belongings.  Since our 4th graders have materials in all three classroom, if you know of any specific items outside of school supplies that may be in one of our classrooms, such as coats, lunchboxes, headphones, etc., please reach out to that classroom teacher so we can do our best to get these with their rightful owner.
Social Studies: This week we continued comparing the three colonial regions. Students even participated in a digital escape room. This was an assignment that was supposed to be challenging but fun for students. It is an effort grade so if students were unable to complete it not to worry. We wrapped up the week with our weekly Google Meet where students participated in a review game of Kahoot. It was awesome to see everyone and have some fun reviewing! For Google Meets I wanted to clarify that the link in Google classroom will only work when I have joined the meet. This is a safety precaution installed by Google so the link, while visible at all times, will only work at the scheduled time. I am working to input all of the Social Studies grades by the end of the weekend like I did with Science last week.
Math:  We began our final unit in 5th grade math, which is geometry.  This week students practiced identifying, describing, and categorizing polygons.  Next week we will move into identifying attributes of 3-D shapes and finding volume.
ELA: This week we began our novel study of Esperanza Rising, and I have been enjoying all of the positive feedback from students! We will be reading a chapter a day in order to finish by the end of the school year. Due to this amount of reading (about 13 pages a day), I am no longer assigning a reading log. Additionally, I am playing an audio recording of the first few pages of the chapter each day at the end of my video lesson to support students. Since students don’t have the physical book, I am attaching a scanned PDF of each chapter to the daily lessons. We will be reviewing all of our literature standards from the year through reader response questions, interactive worksheets, slides, writing assignments, and discussions on Google Meets.

Grand Canyon: Recently, Project Exploration shared the following information, “please know our refund turnaround has now gone from 7-14 days to 30-60 days”. She stated that the owner has changed the timing guarantee due to the sheer volume of requests and the heavily reduced staff, and that they are doing their absolute best to get refunds issued as quickly as possible.
Have a fantastic weekend!


Email to Parents 4/24

Greetings families,

We hope everyone had a fantastic week and are looking forward to a wonderful weekend.  It’s hard to believe the 4th quarter is more than half over.  Here are a few updates from each subject area.
Math:  This was our final week of our measurement unit.  Students learned how to compare and convert weight, length, and capacity in both the customary and metric system.  Today, Friday, was a fun breakout.  Students were instructed to make sure all missing work was turned in before starting the breakout and then if they had time, they could work on the challenge.  I have updated the gradebook to reflect 50% for missing academic work and 40% for missing effort work.  I was getting some feedback that although I commented missing, when I left the score blank the assignment wasn’t showing up.  Once students turn these assignments in, I will update the gradebook so it reflects their score.  No points will be deducted for being late.
ELA:   This week we wrapped up writing our essay from last week, where students demonstrated their ability to integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write about the subject knowledgeably. Students also learned how to properly cite/quote poetry within an essay or paragraph, as well as how to eliminate first person point of view when writing. We ended the week researching information based on a focused question, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation, gathering relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, and integrating the information while avoiding plagiarism. I was also very impressed with student involvement on Google Meet on Thursday, where we practiced revising and editing a sentence.
This week we continued to learn about climate. Students researched a country with a different climate than the one we live in here in Arizona. There were many different countries chosen from Greenland to Canada! I am enjoying seeing everything that students have learned about climates in different countries. I also am working diligently to get grades updated and should have everything up to date by Monday. Then I will be able to regrade assignments that have been resubmitted.  Thank you for your patience and grace as we are figuring out this distance learning and distance grading!
 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Email to Parents 4/17

Good afternoon families,

Yet another week of distance learning is in the books.  Students continue to persevere through this trying time.
Google Meet:  This week your child’s homeroom teacher opened up a Google Meet for their class.  Students needed to read the student code of conduct for Google Meet and then submit the google form quiz.  If your student has not done this yet, they will not be able to participate in any Google Meet.  Google Meet is another tool we are able to use; however it is not required for students to participate.  All of these Google Meets will be recorded for safety and precautions.
Math:  Students continued their measurement unit with converting and comparing units of metric mass and length.  We focused on the most common units we use, as opposed to all of the units (kilo, hecto, deka, base, deci, centi, and milli).  Next week, we will get into metric capacity and finish with a final assessment.
ELA: This week we reviewed poetry and analyzed imagery, figurative language, organization, tone, and word choice within two poems. We have also begun writing an essay. Students had the choice between two prompts (opinion or informative). Depending on the choice of prompt, students are either focusing on: writing an opinion essay, while supporting a point of view with reasons and evidence OR  writing informative texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly, with evidence to support. Both prompts require students to integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. 
Social Studies:
Our focus was on Social Studies. We are still working on Colonial America with a specific focus on colonial leaders. Students read about six leaders: Anne Hutchinson, John Smith, John Wise, Roger Williams, William Bradford, and William Penn. Students were to complete a graphic organizer using the text and then use that organizer to help them write a paragraph about the leader of their choice. The graphic organizer and the paragraph will be taken as academic grades for the week.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

From the Principal 4/13

April 13, 2020

 Dear Parents,

 As we continue to refine our remote learning opportunities for students, we wanted to update you on a new feature available through Google that we will begin to implement in the coming weeks, Google Meet.

Throughout the school closure, our teachers have continued to look for ways to connect with students through online communications and virtual lessons.  As you may have been following the news, teleconferencing has faced some concerns regarding student safety and privacy issues. Because of this, we have advised teachers to avoid real-time live video conferencing, but rather post pre-recorded lessons and communicate through our approved tools such as Google Classroom, Nearpod, and Flipgrid. However, we now have great news! Google has addressed the needs and concerns raised by educators and has made some significant updates to Google Meet.

 These new updates will allow our teachers to provide some live video conferencing and instruction in a more secure environment. The updates include the ability to do the following: 

1.    Google Meet will be accessed in your child’s Google Classroom.

2.    Students cannot join a Meet without the teacher present.

3.    The teacher can remove a student from the Meet.

4.    The teacher can mute a student.

5.    The District has set roles allowing only teachers to create a Meet using school accounts.

6.    Student accounts will be able to participate in the teacher’s Meet but not able to create a Meet.

7.    The teacher can turn on, turn off, and reset links to a Meet.

8.    The teacher will record the Meet for possible viewing at a later time.

One of the primary goals as we have transitioned to an online learning environment is to create an online academic setting that protects student safety. Please check out our district website for a list of Laveen Authorized Educational Media tools available for teachers to use online with students.

Google Meet is a District approved teleconferencing tool that teachers may begin using the week of April 13th.

While we expect our students to participate in these remote learning activities to the greatest extent they reasonably can, students will not be penalized if they are unable to fully participate or are limited by the online format. Please continue to communicate with your child’s teacher about his or her specific learning needs.

The Student Code of Conduct for using Google Meet is included with this letter. Please review this information with your child prior to allowing him or her to join a teacher’s Meet. We appreciate your partnership in educating our children.


Jessica Epacs, Principal

Student Code of Conduct 

Google Meet is an approved video conferencing tool that your teacher may use to:

  • Deliver live lessons

  • Check-in with you and your class

  • Allow you to connect with your classmates

  • Allow you to answer and ask questions

Teachers are only able to create a Google Meet.  Students cannot create their own Google Meet.

Getting Ready for your Google Meet

  • Ask your parent or guardian for permission to participate.

  • Use a fully charged device with a camera and microphone.

  • Test the camera and microphone before the Meet.

  • Dress appropriately.  Others will be able to see you when your camera is on.

  • Choose a quiet space with a comfortable chair and as little background noise as possible so you can focus on the session.

  • If there is background noise in your area, use a headset that has a microphone.

  • Be prepared and have your documents already open.

Now you are ready to join the Meet!

Participating in your Google Meet

  • It’s okay to say hello to your teacher, then mute your microphone.

  • Your microphone should be muted whenever you are not speaking. 

    • This will reduce background noise.

    • This will limit distractions.

  • Adjust your camera so you feel comfortable or turn it off if it is distracting.

  • Listen to your teacher like you would if you were in the classroom.

  • Use the emoji buttons in the left-hand corner to participate in the Meet.

  • Use the microphone and chat as directed by your teacher.

  • Use the chat and the microphone to participate as instructed by your teacher.

Digital citizenship is especially important while in a Google Meet.  Be respectful of yourself, your teacher, and your classmates and you will enjoy using Google Meet!  

Acceptable Use Guidelines

  • Your teacher will be recording the Meet so other class members that missed the Meet can watch it.

  • Listen to and follow instructions.

  • Participate when and how your teacher directs you to.

  • Listen to and respect the contributions of others.

  • Share information that is useful and supportive.

  • Use appropriate, supportive language.

  • Use technology tools and resources for the learning purposes they are meant for.

  • Never retrieve, send or display offensive images or messages, insult, threaten or harass others. 

  • Report issues to your teacher or parent immediately.


Email to Parents 4/10

Happy Friday Families,
Thank you so much for your continued support with your child’s learning.  As we have monitored and adjusted, we are hoping your students are finding this distance learning is becoming more manageable.
Late Work: We have had some emails in regards to late work.  We want families to know that we are being very flexible and know that students’ schedules are all different.  Although we put a due date in google classroom, students are not being penalized or having points taken off their work if it is turned in “late”.  We just want them to engage as often as possible and complete work when able.
Math:  This week, we switched gears a little bit and completed the data portion of the chapter.  Students learned to create line plots and then interpret data displayed on line plots.  Although the book talked about fair share, that is not part of the standard; therefore students did not need to complete that portion.

ELA: This week for writing, we focused on the steps in the writing process and how this can really improve our writing. I chunked the writing task so that students had the opportunity to focus on organizing their thoughts when brainstorming, using these ideas to create a draft, and then an opportunity evaluate the effectiveness of their evidence, as well as revise & edit. For reading, we have begun focusing on RI.8,  I can explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.

Science/Social Studies:
This week we began our unit on weather and climate. We first took a look at the difference between weather and climate, and then we made some observations that described one or the other. We also completed an online investigation that looked at the different factors that affect climate. Next week, we will be focusing on Social Studies. Additionally, I have had a lot of emails about redoing/retaking work. Students may redo any of the work that is taken as an academic grade. If students choose to redo an assignment, please have them redo the assignment on the original document. Students should not erase any of their original work. Instead they should make their corrections in blue so that they can see their growth. Additionally, students must share AND resubmit their work in google classroom.
Grand Canyon Update: If you paid with a credit card for the field trip, please check your email for additional information in regards to refunds. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Maldag.
Stay safe & healthy,
Mrs. Melton
Ms. Maldag
Ms. Long