As you all know all schools in our state are closed and I am missing every single one of my students. I know a lot of you would like to have work for your child to practice at home , so I have assigned different sites and assignments on google classroom that student’s can work on. I do want you to know that this is not required, but I wanted you to have the ability to continue learning from home.If any of you need the student’s login information please feel free to contact me. If you need help login on to google classroom please follow the following steps.

  •  Please go to
  • Click the students tab
  • Log on using username and password.  Username must include  (Usernames and passwords are case sensitive)
  • You will see the different sites  such as our curriculum websites and google classroom.  McGraw Hill is our reading and math . Discovery Education is our Science and Social Studies Curriculum.  (class code rthvxg7)

Thank you and hope to see you all soon.