
Our first week of school in kindergarten was out of this world! I really enjoyed getting to know each and every one of my students this week. We learned how to be great Roadrunners by understanding and following our school’s R.A.C.E. (Respectful, Accountable, Committed to a Safe Schoool, Engaged) expectations in the classrooms, the hallways, the bathrooms, the cafeteria, and the playground. I loved learning about our phonograms, counting our numbers, writing our names, tracing the alphabet, drawing pictures, reading books, learning how to walk in a line, and laughing out loud at their funny jokes!

Thank you so much for making sure that they attended school on time every day and came prepared to learn. I can’t wait to grow in wisdom and knowledge with all of them. May you all be kind to support us and make this year a blast!




Mrs. Pilar