Hello everyone!
I would like to inform you that Monday, August 9th, and Tuesday, August 10th will be our Fall NWEA Benchmark Testing days. Your support and cooperation are deeply appreciated to make this a success by kindly doing the following:
- Attendance is important. Please make sure your child comes to school on time every day during testing. The test session starts at 8:00 am and ends at 11:00 am. The students will take the test on a chrome book and headphones.
- Sleep early on the nights before testing. Kindly make sure that you let your child get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before the test day.
- Eat breakfast. Please provide breakfast on the day of testing. Our school provides free breakfast to all students in the classrooms from 7:00 am to 7:20 am only. You may choose to let your child eat at school by coming to class during that time frame.
- Provide a positive and happy mindset on the days of testing. A happy and confident child is known to have a great chance of performing very well in tests and in class.
Thank you for your support! If you have further questions, please call me at 602-237-9120 or email me at mpilar2@laveeneld.org.
Mrs. Pilar