Classroom Information
On the first day of school your child will identify their red folder as a take home folder. It is required that this folder comes to school every day. I will put important information in this folder. It is very important that we teach the students responsibility therefore; if they do not return the folder on a daily basis then there will be a consequence.
Homework is optional most of the time, in my class. Students may practice their spelling words at home to help master them. At the end of every math unit, the students will have a review homework page to review the units’ standards before they are tested. The math unit review is required.
All students will have a chance to eat breakfast in the cafeteria at 7:00am.
Our 2nd grade students eat lunch at 10:45am. Recess will follow lunch. The students may purchase a school lunch or they may bring a lunch from home.
We will have snack every day in the classroom except for early release Wednesdays. This snack must be provided by donations from our parents. I ask that every family donate a healthy snack for our classroom at least once a month for 30 students. Please consider donating individually wrapped snacks. Please remember that they must be store bought and NO PEANUT items.
Teacher / Parent Communication
You will get a weekly email stating what we are working on in class. The email will come at the start of every week. Please do not expect a daily email from me. If there is a problem or a concern, I will contact you by making a phone call or by sending an email. Please know that I do not sit at the computer during the day. This means we might not see an email from you until the end of the day. If there is an emergency or changes in dismissal, please call the office and they will phone the classroom. Please respect my family time in the evenings and know that I will respond when I am at TSP.
I understand that birthdays are important for children. If your child wishes to celebrate their birthday with our class, we can do so at the very end of the school day. This must be approved by the teacher 3 days before. Remember if you bring a store bought birthday treat; please bring enough for 30 students.
Water Bottles
It is very warm outside and I encourage you to send a water bottle with your child. We do have a drinking fountains in our classroom but when the student needs to get up to get a drink, it is a disruption to their learning.
No toys (only school supplies) are allowed at school. If your child brings any distracting items to school, I will kindly ask them to put it away in their backpack. If it continues to be a problem, I will take the item away until the parent has a chance to pick it up from school. The students may bring a ball to play with on the playground.
Arrival and Dismissal
The students may arrive to school at 7:00am and go directly to our classroom to eat breakfast. There will be no playground time before school.
The students will be dismissed at 2:20pm. If your student will be picked up after school, they will be walked out to the front of the school for parent pickup. The students may also walk home. If an older sibling needs to pick up a 2nd grader to walk home together, they will need to meet in the front of the school.
Contact Me –If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Email –