Good Morning Students and Parents,

I hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe and healthy.  As promised, every morning around this time, I will email out all of the activities/assignments that will be uploaded to the google classroom for your student to complete at their own pace.  


TIP OF THE WEEK: When your student is working in the google classroom, please make sure they click on the “classwork” tab at the top instead of the “stream” tab.  The classwork tab is a much more organized way to look at the work.  

Each day at a glance:

Math (each of the following assignments are labeled under the appropriately named topic in the google classroom): 


  • Bellwork (google form)
  • Lesson (google slide) 
  • Homework (google form)
  • Problem of the day (flipgrid)


Science each week the students can pick TWO nearpods to complete and submit for full credit.  THEY DO NOT HAVE TO DO ONE EVERYDAY IF THEY DO NOT CHOOSE TO. If they submit two per week, they will receive full credit.  I will still assign one everyday so they have 5 to choose from. The nearpods will be found in the science google classroom.  


ALL ASSIGNMENTS, WHEN COMPLETED, MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH GOOGLE CLASSROOM.  Please make sure your child is hitting “turn in” when they are through with their assignments, so they receive credit.    


Ms. Wolff’s Daily Office Hours: 12-2 pm

If your child has any questions, please have them join my flip grid class (code wolff1571 or they can click on the link in my math google classroom) and respond to my videos with their questions.  They can also email me from their student email account as well and I am available to answer their general questions or specific questions they have about any problems they are working on.  

Problem of the Day:

Everyday on Flipgrid I will post a problem of the day in one of my videos.  Your child should respond in a video through Flipgrid answering my question and explaining how they got their answer.  Today’s problem is 1 and ⅛ x 3 and ⅔ .  I look forward to seeing everyone’s  faces!! The link to my flipgrid class is below!!

Also, I will post the answer to the problem of the day to the google classroom.  So, if your child did not understand how to arrive at the answer, not only will I go over it on flipgrid, but I will post the answer the next day on the google classroom under that post!!


Assignment: Math

  1. Bellwork 4/17/20: (located in math google classroom under the topic “Bellwork-school closing): This is how I will be tracking their “participation” for the day.  When your child fills this out, I will know that they have started their work for the day. It is a google form with three review questions. They may show their work in their math notebook, or another notebook that they have. 
  2. Lesson Ch.12 lesson 3: classify triangles  (located in math google classroom under the topic “Lesson-school closing and video tutorials): Have students go through the google slides, and fill out the 4 independent practice problems, and two problem solving problems at the end for credit.  To help students through the lesson, have them watch the videos located in the “video tutorial-school closing topics” labeled for 4/17/20 FIRST. They may show their work in their math notebook, or another notebook that they have. If the student accidentally erases slides, please have them hit the back button (left arrow in the top left corner of the slides under the word file, to bring it back) Please have students submit the google slides through google classroom so I can give them credit if they complete it.    
  3. Homework 4/17/20 (located in math google classroom under the topic “homework-school closing):  Students can complete these three problems in google forms after they complete the lesson.  They may show their work in their math notebook, or another notebook that they have.  


Assignment: Science

Lesson: “The Stars” Nearpod. Have students log into the science google classroom, and complete the nearpod in the “lessons-school closing” topic.  Please have them submit through nearpod, AND the google classroom for credit on the assignment.  


Assignment: Writing

Have the students watch today’s CNN 10 episode (we are used to watching it in class everyday), and they can respond by writing two things that they learned in the google slide I posted (located under the topic (CNN10-School Closing).  Your student will need to add a slide for each day. They can either click on add slide, or they can duplicate the previous slide and change the date.  Either way, ensure that they are dating each slide so I know what day they are writing about.  This is an ongoing google slide.  Have them fill the slide out for each day, and at the end of the school year, they will turn it in (the document itself says ONGOING).  

CNN 10 Link (


Assignment:  Social Emotional Learning

Read through the activity, as well as print out and work on “communication: appropriate and inappropriate topics” (download button at bottom of page) worksheet.  Review the activities located on the website that I have linked below that have to do with appropriate and inappropriate topics. If you can’t print it, just view it on your computer, and discuss the scenarios aloud with your child, or have them write it down on a lined sheet of paper.


Assignment: PE Class

Have your students look through the google slide presentation that I have posted on the google classroom.  Locate PE, Coach Mac, 5th grade. They can complete the assignment he has posted for today. 


If you are in Band or Orchestra, and not in specials, please have your child enroll themselves in their google classroom (the class code is located on the google slide presentation mentioned above), and they can find the daily assignment there. 


Also, I have more resources posted in my math google classroom (located under the topic school closing resources) for them to work on if they need more to do.  I will continue to post more resources in this area as well throughout the weeks.  


Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions that you have for me!   Again, please make sure that you are staying home as much as possible, and remaining safe and healthy!  Let your child know that Ms. Wolff says hello, and that I miss them : )


Ms. Wolff