Classroom Updates

Love from Mrs. Hall to you ALL!

Howdy families and students!!

Thank you for continuing to log into your google classrooms! We teachers appreciate the work you are doing and that you are keeping in touch with us!! We miss you so much! Always reach out to me at lhall@laveeneld.or or through the Resource Mrs. Hall google classroom with any questions or ways I can help! Love and good health to you all!

Here is Mrs. Hall telling YOUR HALL-arious jokes!

Click here!

Happy Friday Everyone!! Here is a Friday Video of Mrs. Hall Tells YOUR HALL-arious Jokes![0]=68.ARALFn6o6ZEnybFnUc5kGcMKfM2LqQcAu_ZHBBErsny1Z7Q0m-XCLN2S2XdfC8lekolLQbWowVmbh5ytxmVQvdiWCu7wjrn3brOSazejY_lUZ2UzFdRn1FQomKmW5ziHpGC4vhLkqJbsa2aBLGqZiXBEZkZLFjqHb4HHt-9afUjUPUVjpMrreAcmvOet5BrrsqkMm3gdcjWbeUvWOCZBvX-59tuEqb2rZICCIEv-tn4Oky0uzKmwTABDS4CcClK_vkYe-BkoP4iFHmnC9SmpXutXLodRLkBy9-CK0s_rhX63YWt_K-4mYbS8bRPupF6cfz54S7NJVj7EXM-W37SaLI4C63WtlLHaiC4&__xts__[1]=68.ARC1Kg2WtlE3JAUv1RuxR1RjJeQTF4mgZWp8Yvn8TpRD192oo4IBkOvPveW2wCx6gu_DwQPyTz0lb8Fw5XEJHjw-BR5_7YI0__H7ubw_mrvQn6E8K3W8aNy7xGWTZaoFqECtR6yfEWaQxvhzkWkbL1mQhRcyZ83_LUt6Cyn0tDgmOy4uO_CuDqcG1joTHJDkcqleaugJn1IRSUbDc7O7bvUj6E3TWyDnQgIOppokmrwZDXTfjowIVBFh1cL5CRY5A9y48yXOayK_b79_2D8HYmc1nYk8AJViX5PVkyCtJN0vWO2r5egbWWY55LDK3ag8zO9GX-rGgkV-XQ8Q_Fn9L8_-o2C0g7vTUZg&__tn__=-R

Hello Families:

The District shared this information with you a few weeks ago, but now that we know that online school will continue until the end of the school year, you might need some of this information again. The tech information may be especially helpful.

Academics and Educational Resources:

Teachers have been working to develop lessons and resources that you can work on at home with your children. In addition to all curriculum materials being available online, we have developed an Online Resources website, where you can find various resources to help your child keep up with academics. This can be found under the “Students” tab on our district website,

Please remember that your child will need to log in to our curriculum platforms in order to access the material. If you do not have your child’s login information, please contact me and I can provide it to you. One single sign-on through Google gives students access to all of our digital curriculum programs  Watch this video for details on logging in.

Please be aware that all Laveen schools have strict internet filtering when a student connects from our server. Once you use your personal device, this filter is not available. Please monitor your child’s internet usage as they will be able to explore whatever sites your home computer allows. Be sure to watch this informational video, also on the website, for parents on how to filter home internet, Internet Filters to Keep Kids Safe Online

Internet Connectivity

If you do not have wi-fi or are unable to access the internet at home, Cox Communications is offering one free month of internet access to qualifying low-income families through their Connect2Compete program. T-Mobile is also offering an EmpowerED data plan.

Assignments are available for Resource students 6th-8th!

Howdy families and students!

Please remember to check Mrs. Hall’s google classroom every day! There are assignments in ELA reading and writing, plus math, for each Resource student every day!

All parents of students have been invited to the classroom and are welcome to contact me there with any questions!

In addition to the google classroom assignments, please remember all Resource students have an account on both and for practice in reading and math!

I miss you all and please let me know how I may help!

Mrs. Hall

SPECIALS Classes for all students!

Specials every day!! Woo hoo!!
Every day you will be able to participate in a different Special! So awesome! Even if you have already taken a particular Special this year, you will still be able to experience all of the specials once a week! Please do your best to complete each activity at home as a part of your daily schedule. If you have questions about the activity for the day, please email the Special Area teacher. Here is the weekly schedule:
Friday-Health (6-8 grades ONLY)
Email Addresses
PE/Health: Coach Ford –
                Coach Wulff –
Art: Ms. Smith –
STEM: Mr. Smith –
Music: Mr. Reale –
Band: Mr. Comm –

It’s time for Friday’s HALL-arious Jokes!

Here it is:[0]=68.ARDDcPq_5YphYV28zAic0hAnOuW9_OniBGwVim5KVGbZbLpjuKhdjv_KybYv94SstXCvnDfSQZ7jjKLbO9eucGCCGwozN0nwNVHpoU8DsKCO2CaS0wSXUdRWv2lDwb_4hHU99vmSTqtkuQW73fjGDFWBMJbihKIdGzyuU9Kz-MVEe_OHEc6FbGP57IhP5KuDyse-ZN4CykBc_q35mVMbc1uA3P7Iq9-U7M9iTEN-hpV9AQh_8h8V55GNhDcuoZ0-_cVmZ1leHufUJaTdKuUazgTLi5r-op8XBrexbMTjX3Eq6q1voLDNA852-OqmjxKUsTA5agtgwXKM7NQwI_Bpub03m98jm1a3ZZk&__xts__[1]=68.ARBkk63h6JpoiqB7-kvMGlEzW4RC-k_j_hCAPl1Mx2PlB8OaUElG3nG939hco_Up0pJceC3zhGlTIwDGhMq-1LKafUxAbXPBQH5IBPsJcVhIB6DBTxx5OpWe3G5i6REayTR0fJTou4zQLUtv34y9xNDsnG0_L1j3ixCVj5FM7ZoqaFN8KBZhDqIcaBJp9Fvi1YG4GUx8uVPDQqZ3iovf0SsDVlHQmFIR0hV8JpU0p6j-ImWlp0KpT9UAic4ZzefIR5UHkB2tGzWgw8UyfCrGeIgv2ZzVkExmVtVy2cQyCzlLCm0JRb-48mpUh5Svs19UFgqrOewSkXxa8aVVdfUSJpi1kWTpoK5YmDc&__tn__=-R

IXL math is ready for ALL Mrs. Hall’s students! Log in now~!

Attention all Mrs. Hall’s students! Your IXL math accounts are ready for you! You each received an email with your username and password. If you need that again, please email me at
Skills and practice questions are there for each of you! You are all working on different skills. Remember, IXL does have a read aloud feature. When you log in and complete questions, I can view the work you do.
go to
enter your username and password
Next to the word “Recommendations” you will see a gold star and “skills recommended for you”.
Click on that and you will see your personalized assignments!
Students should be logging onto IXL for 15 minutes EVERY DAY!
Get in there and…math it up!

Important Information for 7th grade!

Social Studies will be Mondays and Wednesdays.  Science will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays will be ‘catch up’ days that allow students to get extra work done. There will also be bell work for Social Studies on Fridays. Make sure you are logging into Ms. Hoskins’ google classroom every day!