Grand Canyon Field Trip
2019-2020 Information
To view the PDF version of the Powerpoint shown at the Parent Info Meeting on November 5, 4th grade Grand Canyon 2019-20.
Paperwork about the Grand Canyon Field Trip went home on November 7th with students whose parents who were not able to attend the meeting. It has all the paperwork required for the trip (AND a form if your student is not attending the trip). The information from the meeting is also attached for your viewing pleasure. Here’s a summary:
We leave for the Grand Canyon May 14th and return May 15th.
The cost is $185 and this can be paid with credit card or tax credit only. No cash or check will be accepted.
Students will be provided breakfast and dinner, but they need to bring their own lunch.
All money is due March 2nd
Every student must submit a commitment form for the trip even if they are not going (there’s a spot at the bottom to check that your student will not be attending). This commitment form is due November 26.
If you have questions, please let me know.