Hello Vista Families!
Hard to believe we have now entered into May! We wanted to take an opportunity to touch base with our families regarding some upcoming dates as we close out our school year.
Student Materials: Currently our teachers are working to gather the belongings that were left behind in the classrooms. Students’ belongings are being put into plastic bags with a name label on them. On the dates and times listed below, families will be able to come gather these belongings. We will do a drive by pick up through the front office area. Staff will be placed along the area to distribute the supplies. Please DO NOT park and walk up to the gates.
Monday, May 11th
8 to 12-last names A through D
12:30 to 3-last names E through M
Tuesday, May 12th
8 to 12-last names N through R
12:30 to 3-last names S through Z
Chromebook drop off: Our last day of school will be Monday, May 18th. After this date ALL Chromebooks that have been checked out will no longer allow a student to log on. If you have checked out a chromebook, they must be dropped off on the schedule that follows: Tuesday, May 19th and Wednesday, May 20th from 8am-12pm. Please DO NOT park and walk up to the front gate. We will have staff positioned around the front office drive up area to collect the Chromebooks.
Library Books: If any kiddos have library books at home we will need to have them returned on Monday and Tuesday, May 11th and 12th. When you come to pick up your students materials, you can drop off the library books at that time.
Yearbooks: We have been notified that due to production delays the yearbooks will not arrive until the end of May. We will keep you update as to their arrival and our distribution process.
Staff Parade: One of the many challenges this time has brought is the inability to say goodbye to our students and families. We wanted to create an opportunity for those that are willing and able to do so. On Tuesday, May 19th from 8am-9am we will be doing a staff parade. Families can drive through our front office drive area and wave to their kiddos teacher and say hello. The Vista staff will have special messages to share with our students as encouragement and we send them off into summer vacation.