Dear Vista Families,
Thank you for your support and participation in accessing our online learning resources as we continue to provide learning opportunities for our students during this period of school closure.
As you know, our classroom teachers are providing digital lessons and resources through Google Classroom. However, to offer additional support, we will also be allowing our families to take home the hard copy textbooks for both Math and English Language Arts.
It is not a requirement that families pick up these textbooks, but it is an additional resource that will support online learning and will also provide students the flexibility to work through paper/pencil.
We will begin making these materials available to families on Thursday, March 26th and Friday, March 27th beginning at 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Families can pick up in K-3 the Wonders reading text and the math consumable text. In 4-8, families can pick up the math consumable except for students in Algebra and Geometry. For ELA, our resources will continue to be available online so for those families who are able to access the curriculum online that would be ideal.
In order to ensure the safety of our families gathering the materials, we will be opening the side gate by the front of the campus and allowing only one member per family on campus at a time. The materials will be located outside your child’s classroom. Please quickly gather the materials and return back to the front of campus. Families will not be allowed inside the classrooms at this time. If you are unable to come either Thursday or Friday to pick up the materials, please email both Mrs. Epacs and Mrs. Hamburgh to set up a time for you to come pick up the materials from the front office.
Our classroom teachers will be providing additional information on how these texts may be used through their weekly communications via email and phone calls home. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to them for further clarification.
It is our goal to continue to work together to provide academic support, instruction, and resources for our students during these difficult times. Thank you for your partnership.
Jessica Epacs