Fall Carnival: Friday, November 15, 2019 from 5:00 PM-8:30 PM
- Wristbands for the Annual Fall Carnival are now on sale for $15 each online at: https://squareup.com/store/vistaonlinestore. Vista Dad’s Club and PTO will also be pre-selling wristbands in front of the school each morning from 7:30 a.m.-8:15 a.m. until 11/12/2019. Credit cards are accepted. Wristbands will be $20 each online after 11/13/2019 and at the door the day of the event.
- Tickets are an extra cost at the door the day of the event (i.e. dunk tank, train, and other games and rides that will be noted). The Vista Dad’s Club and PTO are also looking for volunteers to make this event successful! Please sign up and get in your volunteer hours at: https://signup.com/go/wvWFFHZ
- Questions? Email tigers@vistadelsurpto.com.
- During Vista’s Fall Carnival there will be a Middle School Art Show in Mrs. Fala’s room 209. All art students this quarter in Mrs. Baxter’s 6th-8th grade will have their Artwork displayed for family and friends. Anyone is welcome to stop in between 5-8pm. Come show support for your Tiger!