Classroom Updates
Half Day- January 8
Students released at 12 PM.
Winter Break- December 20- January 5
Laveen Winter Festival- December 6
Laveen’s 6th Annual Winter Festival: Each year, the Laveen Elementary School District hosts a Winter Festival for the community. The sixth annual Laveen Winter Festival is scheduled for Friday, December 6, 2019. The event runs from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the LEC lawn, 5001 W. Dobbins. This year’s Winter Festival will feature obstacle courses (for both big and little kids), games, activities, student performances, photo opportunities, holiday gift vendors, food, and much more!
Admission is free. Tickets will be available for purchase for select activities. Credit cards accepted. All proceeds benefit the Laveen Education Foundation
Dollar Dress Down- December 6
Thanksgiving Break- November 27-29
No school
Dollar Dress Down- November 22
NWEA Testing- Nov. 18-22
Test Schedule for the week of 11/18/19-11/22/19:
Monday – NWEA Map Growth: Math (3-8)
Tuesday – NWEA Map Growth: Reading (3-8)
Wednesday – NWEA Map: Language (3-8)
Thursday – NWEA MAP: Science (4&8)
Penny Drive- November 15
Penny Drive Competition between schools of the Laveen Elementary School District – proceeds to support the Laveen Lions Holiday Basket Program. The class collecting the most pennies at each school will win a pizza party! Collection ends on Friday, November 15, 2019.
Fall Carnival- November 15
Fall Carnival: Friday, November 15, 2019 from 5:00 PM-8:30 PM
- Wristbands for the Annual Fall Carnival are now on sale for $15 each online at: Vista Dad’s Club and PTO will also be pre-selling wristbands in front of the school each morning from 7:30 a.m.-8:15 a.m. until 11/12/2019. Credit cards are accepted. Wristbands will be $20 each online after 11/13/2019 and at the door the day of the event.
- Tickets are an extra cost at the door the day of the event (i.e. dunk tank, train, and other games and rides that will be noted). The Vista Dad’s Club and PTO are also looking for volunteers to make this event successful! Please sign up and get in your volunteer hours at:
- Questions? Email
- During Vista’s Fall Carnival there will be a Middle School Art Show in Mrs. Fala’s room 209. All art students this quarter in Mrs. Baxter’s 6th-8th grade will have their Artwork displayed for family and friends. Anyone is welcome to stop in between 5-8pm. Come show support for your Tiger!