Word family: Review of all short vowels
Sight words- she, was, when
Spanish sílabas- Review all sílabas con a
Spanish words- jugar, rosado, en
Dear Parents,
Our school’s winter festival, Posadas at the Pointe, will take place this Wednesday, December 20th from 5-7pm. We hope to see you there!
We are going to have a Polar Express Holiday Party in our classroom on Thursday, December 21st. Please make sure you sign up to bring in a food item for our class potluck as well as send in a small gift for our white elephant game. Please let us know if you will not be able to send one in before Wednesday.
Dates to remember:
Dec 20th— Posadas at the Pointe from 5-7pm
Dec 21st— Polar Express Holiday Party
Dec 22nd– Jan 5th— Winter Break!
Jan 8th— Classes Resume