Good Afternoon,

   A few messages to pass on from committees on campus!
PBIS “Integrity”
January proved successful in kicking off our new monthly expectation focus.  The entire school worked on strengthening our RESPONSIBILITY around the campus and hopefully you got a chance to work on it at home as well.  Our February focus will be INTEGRITY.  Read below for each week’s emphasis and ways to support your child at home.
Week 1 Follow procedures without being asked
At school:  Know the procedures in your classroom and around the campus.  Do what you are supposed to do even when no one is looking or no one else is doing it.
At home: Set up consistent procedures so every knows what is expected.  What are the expectations for when they come home? What is the routine for getting ready for bed?
Week 2 Take responsibilities for your actions
At school: Take ownership of the choices you made without excuses. Accept the consequences of your actions.
At Home: Show empathy while keeping consequences consistent. “I’m sorry you made a that choice.  I know next time you will make a better one.”
Week 3 Share and take turns
At school:  Share equipment and materials with your classmates so that everyone can participate.
At home: Try playing a game together that encourages taking turns.
Week 4 Be honest
At school:  Tell the truth about situations even when it is hard.
At Home: Set your child up to be honest.  Don’t give your child the opportunity to fib by asking questions you already know the answer.  For example, instead of asking, “Did you finish your homework?” try, “What are you plans for finishing your homework?”
These expectations will be emphasized all month long and it will also be the guidelines in which students earn the recognition of “Student of the Month.”
Thank you for our continued partnership in teaching our students to be their very best!
Cultural Events: Black History Month Information Hunt
We are celebrating Black History Month all through February at Paseo Pointe! Students will be learning and writing about Black History in their classrooms. There are several hallway bulletin boards on our campus dedicated to Black History that we invite you to come see this month!
Also, we invite you to participate at home with this Black History Information Hunt! Here’s how to participate:
1. Attached you will find 3 worksheets. Pick the one that corresponds to your child’s grade level and print it out. (Or ask your child’s teacher to print it for you)
2. Complete the Information Hunt with your child at home. You can use the internet, encyclopedias, or even visit our library to find resources, etc. It will be a great opportunity for you to talk and learn about Black History together!
3. Have your child turn in their completed worksheet to the office!
4. Your child will receive a prize at the end of February for their participation in Black History Month!
Thank you all so much! And we hope you and your child enjoy learning about Black History!
Rams RISE!