Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Galileo Benchmark 1: We will begin our benchmark assessments this week. Please ensure your student is well rested, on-time and has eaten breakfast. Testing is from 8-10 so please try to schedule appointments outside of this window as these assessments give us a looking into their goal towards mastery of the 4th grade standards.
  • Monday: Writing
  • Tuesday: ELA
  • Wednesday: Math
  • Thursday: Science
Final Quarter Assessments: We will be taking our Chapter 4 Math test Monday, ELA test Tuesday and our Science post test on Wednesday! All grades must be entered by the end of the day on Wednesday.
Community Service Project: Per my e-mail at the end of last week, we have opened up our project to any of the following items. We would greatly appreciate any donation which can come in the form of the items listed, cash or gift cards. This project will benefit a local rescue that will provide these bags to those in need! Keep in mind the Dollar Store and Walmart are great places to shop! I went this weekend a purchased a few of the items below!
  • deodorant/chapstick
  • toothbrush/toothpaste
  • wet wipes
  • socks
  • granola bars
  • combs
  • sunscreen
  • soap
  • hand lotion
  • hand sanitizer
Pen Pals: For the past 8 years I have partnered up with a former colleague from Pennsylvania in writing pen pal letters to her students. I remember doing this as a student in school and loved the exchange of letters and hearing the similarities and differences that I had with another. We will begin writing letters to our pen pals after fall break. I can assure you that no personal information is shared and that all letters are approved by myself. We discuss each topic before letters are written. If you wish to have your student be excluded from this, please e-mail me directly and immediately.
Parent Teacher Conferences: Over break, I will be sending a link through to begin signing up for conferences. They will be during the week of Oct 22nd and I will offer before school and two late night conferences. Please be on the lookout for the link! 
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out via e-mail, phone or the Remind App.