Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Science Test: Students will be assessed on Tuesday over the Scientific Method. We will be studying tomorrow together in class and they will be coming home with a study guide.
No school WEDNESDAY: Teacher’s have an all day in service therefore we will not have school. Please be sure to make arrangements.
Project TEAS (Teacher’ Experiences Across Subjects): As a 4th grade, we will be partnering up with an ASU research team. Students will be coming home with a consent envelope to participate in the study. The only task students will be asked to do is to fill out a pre and post survey and be in the classroom during the teacher being recorded teaching on 3 separate occasions. The study is simply to see what our experience is teaching in each major subject area. Please take a moment to fill out the paperwork and return to school no later than Friday, August 24th.
#Showlove Assembly: Don’t forget, you are invited to our #showlove assembly that will be put on for 3rd and 4th graders in the gym on Friday, August 24th beginning at 1:00. Attached is the photo of the flier!
Title 1 Parent Information Curriculum Night: It’s that time again! We will be holding our annual curriculum night in which students will help you navigate through their online curriculum as well as learn more about standards based grading and much much more! The event is Thursday, August 30th from 5:00-7:00. Students will be coming home with a flier both this week and next! In addition, those who do attend will receive a dress down pass good for Tuesday, September 4th.
Galileo Testing: We will have our pre-testing the week of August 27th. More information coming soon!
Remind App: Please do not forget to sign up for the Remind App. This is a great communication tool outside of e-mail and goes directly to your phone.
   Text the message @mrsneills4 to the number 81010.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! As always, please feel free to e-mail, text (Remind App) or call (ext 3855).