Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
APTT: Tomorrow is our 2nd APTT meeting in the library at 5:00! Snacks will be provided! 🍪
Homework & Math Test: We have homework tonight which is review for Friday. Make sure to utilize our online curriculum for review over Chapter 7!
$1.00 Dress Down: Friday is also PTA’s end of the month $1.00 Dress Down!
Posadas at the Pointe: Our Annual holiday event will be on Wednesday, December 19th. We are looking for donations to help with the crafts that will be made that night! Please take a look at the list and if you are able to make any donations, we would greatly appreciate it!
Stamina Challenge: We are still working towards building our stamina for reading multiple lengthy texts and have reached 10 minutes! It is important that students are reading nightly at home even if it is not a direct homework assignment.
Cookie Dough Pick Up: Monday, December 10th until 6:00 PM. All orders MUST BE PICKED UP that day.
Have a great rest of your week!