Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
#Showlove: We had our assembly today and the students had a great time hearing ‘President Austin’s’ reason for helping the homeless at just the age of 4! Students received a shirt and are able to wear this shirt on Monday with school bottoms to #showlove!


Picture Day: Forms were sent home today and our fall pictures are on September 11th.

Slime: The new craze has hit our school yet again and unfortunately I am going to have to ban it from my classroom for the remainder of the year. Too many are using the slime during inappropriate times and it has gotten in desks, on the floor and on paperwork. Please help me in making my classroom slime free!
Cell Phones: In addition, cell phones are only to be used before or after the bell has rung. A few students have taken them to lunch or use them before designated times. All of the following expectations can be found in the Student Handbook.
Science Test: I will not be taking the Science test for a grade and will be using it as a reteach tool. Students will be retesting sometime next week over the Scientific Method.
Enjoy your weekend!!