Good Morning,

    I hope you are enjoying your Winter Break and the holidays! Please take a moment to review the following information:
Grades: Grades were finalized Friday. Please log into Parent Vue or Student Vue to access your students Quarter 2 grades. If you are unable to log in, please have your student try their account as it should always work with their username and password.
Conferences: Conference week is January 14th-January 18th. Below you will find the sign up for conferences. Please take a moment to look at the available dates and sign up. Remember: Early bird gets the worm with the time slots available!
Click this link to go to our invitation page on
Return date & Early Release: We return Monday, January 7th and there is an Early Release Wednesday, January 9th at 11:30. It is also college bound Wednesday which means students can wear college apparel with uniform bottoms.
Enjoy the rest of your break and Happy New Year! 🎉🎊