Good Afternoon!
We will begin our Benchmark 2 testing on Monday. Please be sure that your student is at school each day and ready! It is important that your student is at school on time, is well rested, and has eaten breakfast!
Before testing I encourage you to talk with your student about the test. A few questions you can ask them are:
- What are the expectations when you are taking a test?
- The expectation is that students remain focused, take their time, and use the provided scratch paper for every problem. For math, they should show their work for each problem and for reading they should write their evidence or explain why they picked the answer that they did.
- How are you going to be successful?
- Are you practicing to prepare yourself at home and at school?
- We have worked hard throughout quarter 3 to prepare for the upcoming benchmark test. Last week we completed many test talks to help prepare. Students were also provided a Galileo practice test, is your student working on it?
- Are you reading each and every night?
- Don’t forget, many students should be working on their reading fluency and reading comprehension. The weekly email explains ways to do this each night at home. It is important that your student is reading daily.
- Are you paying attention in class?
- If they are not on task, following directions, participating and trying their best, chances are they will not be successful on their upcoming Galileo benchmark. Talk to your student about showing RISE inside the classroom!
Here is the testing schedule:
Monday: Galileo WritingTuesday: Galileo Reading (ELA)Wednesday: Galileo MathThursday: Galileo Science
Once everyone has tested, I will send home their scores using the same graph that has been presented at both conferences!
Remember: 6 weeks until AZMerit!