Classroom Updates

Weekly Update 9/5

Good Evening,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Progress Reports: Progress reports will be going home on Friday, September 7th. Please keep in mind that we are half way through the quarter which means students are actively working towards mastery of their new 4th grade standards. After reviewing the progress report and comparing it to Parent Vue, please sign and return the report so that I know communication was made and you have seen it!
Picture Day: Forms went home last week for picture day which is next Tuesday, September 11th. Students may dress up on this day for pictures!
Galileo Pre-test Data: Students will be coming home with their pre-test data along with the benchmark targets for the pretest. You will see ELA, Math and Science and how they scored. The pre-test is what we use to measure student growth and will be given again in May. Throughout the year, students will take benchmark assessments to assess their progress towards mastering the standards. After each assessment, I will be sending home the report with your student along with the benchmark targets. After reviewing all the information, please let me know if you have any questions. I will further explain Galileo and how we use it during parent-teacher conferences in October!
Remind App: Thank you to those who have signed up through the app. If you haven’t had a chance, please do so!
  • Text the message @mrsneills4 to the number 81010.
Have a great evening!

End of Week Updates 8/30

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
CURRICULUM NIGHT!!!!! Tonight is our 3rd annual curriculum night from 5-7. This gives you the chance to see what your student is learning and how you can access it from home 24/7. Students who attend will receive a FREE dress down for Tuesday, September 4th.
$1.00 Dress Down: Tomorrow is a $1.00 dress down day for all students. If you wish to support the teacher engagement funds, please send your child with $1.00 to participate. Students who dress down and do not bring a $1.00 will be sent to the office to call home for clothing. Thank you for your understanding.
Science Make-Up: Tomorrow students will be taking their Science make-up test over the Scientific Method.  This grade will be entered into the gradebook.
Monday Math Test: We will be taking our Chapter 2 Math test Monday. We will spend our math period tomorrow reviewing for the assessment. Students will be bringing home their Math notebook over the weekend.
Progress Reports- Our first quarter progress reports will be going home on Friday, September 7th
No School Monday/Wed ER: We do not have school Monday! In addition, next Wednesday is our first early release day and college bound Wednesday which means they may wear a college or trade-school t-shirt with uniform bottoms.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Curriculum Night 8/30!

Please join us tomorrow from 5-7 in my classroom for an overview of our curriculum and tools you can use to help your student from home!


Last Minute Information 8/24

Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
#Showlove: We had our assembly today and the students had a great time hearing ‘President Austin’s’ reason for helping the homeless at just the age of 4! Students received a shirt and are able to wear this shirt on Monday with school bottoms to #showlove!


Picture Day: Forms were sent home today and our fall pictures are on September 11th.

Slime: The new craze has hit our school yet again and unfortunately I am going to have to ban it from my classroom for the remainder of the year. Too many are using the slime during inappropriate times and it has gotten in desks, on the floor and on paperwork. Please help me in making my classroom slime free!
Cell Phones: In addition, cell phones are only to be used before or after the bell has rung. A few students have taken them to lunch or use them before designated times. All of the following expectations can be found in the Student Handbook.
Science Test: I will not be taking the Science test for a grade and will be using it as a reteach tool. Students will be retesting sometime next week over the Scientific Method.
Enjoy your weekend!!

End of Week Update 8/23

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
ASU TEAS Survey: Students received their envelopes on Monday to participate in the study that ASU will be conducting here at Paseo Pointe in 4th grade. Please be sure to fill out the survey and return the permission slip ASAP.
#ShowLove Assembly: Don’t forget, you are welcome to join the 3rd and 4th graders tomorrow at 1:00 in the gym for the #showlove assembly.
Galileo: We will be taking our Galileo pre-assessments next week on Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday. Please be sure students are well rested, on-time and have eaten a hearty breakfast. We test from 8-10 am and have a condensed day in the afternoon still releasing at 2:30.
Curriculum Night: Please join us next Thursday from 5-7 for Curriculum Night where students will be guiding you through their on-line curriculum, PTA will be selling shirts and much more!
Have a great day!

Weekly Update 8/20

Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Science Test: Students will be assessed on Tuesday over the Scientific Method. We will be studying tomorrow together in class and they will be coming home with a study guide.
No school WEDNESDAY: Teacher’s have an all day in service therefore we will not have school. Please be sure to make arrangements.
Project TEAS (Teacher’ Experiences Across Subjects): As a 4th grade, we will be partnering up with an ASU research team. Students will be coming home with a consent envelope to participate in the study. The only task students will be asked to do is to fill out a pre and post survey and be in the classroom during the teacher being recorded teaching on 3 separate occasions. The study is simply to see what our experience is teaching in each major subject area. Please take a moment to fill out the paperwork and return to school no later than Friday, August 24th.
#Showlove Assembly: Don’t forget, you are invited to our #showlove assembly that will be put on for 3rd and 4th graders in the gym on Friday, August 24th beginning at 1:00. Attached is the photo of the flier!
Title 1 Parent Information Curriculum Night: It’s that time again! We will be holding our annual curriculum night in which students will help you navigate through their online curriculum as well as learn more about standards based grading and much much more! The event is Thursday, August 30th from 5:00-7:00. Students will be coming home with a flier both this week and next! In addition, those who do attend will receive a dress down pass good for Tuesday, September 4th.
Galileo Testing: We will have our pre-testing the week of August 27th. More information coming soon!
Remind App: Please do not forget to sign up for the Remind App. This is a great communication tool outside of e-mail and goes directly to your phone.
   Text the message @mrsneills4 to the number 81010.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! As always, please feel free to e-mail, text (Remind App) or call (ext 3855).

Weekly Update 8/13

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
RISE Cards: Today we will begin our behavior management system here in 4th grade. Students will be receiving their yellow RISE cards that are in their green folders and will come home each time. As a team, it is important that you review their RISE cards every night and discuss their behavior should they earn a negative. The student will ALWAYS know why they earned a negative and should be able to tell you, but if a situation should arise and they are unsure, please feel free to reach out to me for clarification. Below I will list a few important factors about RISE cards:
  • 4th grade behavior management system
  • Checked nightly for positives or negatives
  • Signed EVERY Thursday evening by an adult
  • Students earn RISE Up time on Fridays (more info on the green classroom procedures sheet from Meet the Teacher) as well as end of the month prizes.
#ShowLove Assembly: We’ve teamed up with the Giving with Grace Foundation and the #ShowLove Foundation to bring our 3rd and 4th graders a back-to-school assembly featuring….. President Austin!

Have you see this amazing 4 year-old?! Here he is when we was featured on CNN!

The assembly will take place on August 24th at 1pm in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend this event!
The message of the event will be about being kind and showing love to one another and it will be delivered by Grace and President Austin.
We will have snacks for the students and a #ShowLove t-shirt for everyone!
Instrument Rental Night: Tomorrow is instrument rental night here at Paseo Pointe. If you student has decided to be apart of the band, please come join Mrs.Phillips from 5-7 in the band room.
PTA Meeting: Tomorrow evening is also the monthly PTA meeting beginning at 6:00 in the Library.
Have a great week!

PTA Meeting/Summer Reading Challenge

PTA Meeting: August 14, 2018TUESDAY

Upstairs in the library @ 6pm

Summer Reading Challenge

Turn in your summer reading logs to Mrs. Janca in the library for a prize and a chance to win in the drawing!


Welcome Back!

Welcome back

Dear Parents,

    It was a pleasure meeting you and your family on Thursday night at Meet the Teacher! I look forward to communicating with you throughout the school year. Below you will find information that is important to share for a successful first week of school. If the e-mail address that I have for you is not the e-mail you’d like me to communicate with, please reply with the preferred e-mail address.
Forms: In the back of the Student handbook there are 3 forms that must be returned. We are hoping to win the class reward for having our forms returned the quickest!
  • 2018-2019 Annual Parental Consent Release Form (photo and technology release form)
  • 2018-2019 Annual Registration Form (please be sure to fill out every applicable portion or it will be returned)
  • Health History 2018-2019  (please be sure to fill out every applicable portion or it will be returned)
In addition, there was a form for PBIS review and R.I.S.E expectations here at Paseo Pointe. Please be sure to review the matrix attached and return the front page signed by both you and your student.
Parent Vue: Monday I will be sending home Parent Vue activation codes. For those that are unfamiliar, PVue is a wonderful tool to monitor your child’s education. It offers access to school information, including assignments, grades, attendance, school calendar and teacher contact details.
Remind App: Please be sure to sign up for text message communication through the Remind App. To join, please text @mrsneills4 to 81010 or type your web browser and follow the instructions to sign up.
School ID’s: All students will be getting new ID’s on Monday including a clear pocket for the ID and a lanyard. Students are expected to wear the ID at all times especially to enter campus, purchase breakfast/lunch as well as ride the bus. Students are able to bring their own lanyard should they choose to do so and I will help them attach it to their ID.
Lunch Form: It is required to fill out the free and reduced lunch form each year. If you qualified last year, you will need to make sure to fill it out ASAP as it does not roll over and the first week of school is not free until the form has been submitted and accounted for. In addition, if you know you do NOT qualify, it is still important that you fill out the form. Not only does it help us with funding but is also helps pay for a portion of our electric bill. I have attached the link to the form below:
Welcome Center: I will be attaching the link to the Paseo Pointe welcome center. On this site you will find the Parent & Student survey from Thursday evening, Introduction message, Tax credit form, School Connect and the Master Calendar. If you did not have a chance to fill out the surveys or visit any of the sites please feel free to do so from home:
I am looking forward to working with you throughout the school year. Should you ever have any questions please feel free to e-mail, text (Remind App) or call. Below I have my website and it is kept up-to-date at all times including all e-mails sent throughout the year. Thank you for all you do and I cannot wait to begin the school year!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend 😀