Good Evening,
Please take a moment to review the following information:
Progress Reports: Progress reports will be going home on Friday, September 7th. Please keep in mind that we are half way through the quarter which means students are actively working towards mastery of their new 4th grade standards. After reviewing the progress report and comparing it to Parent Vue, please sign and return the report so that I know communication was made and you have seen it!
Picture Day: Forms went home last week for picture day which is next Tuesday, September 11th. Students may dress up on this day for pictures!
Galileo Pre-test Data: Students will be coming home with their pre-test data along with the benchmark targets for the pretest. You will see ELA, Math and Science and how they scored. The pre-test is what we use to measure student growth and will be given again in May. Throughout the year, students will take benchmark assessments to assess their progress towards mastering the standards. After each assessment, I will be sending home the report with your student along with the benchmark targets. After reviewing all the information, please let me know if you have any questions. I will further explain Galileo and how we use it during parent-teacher conferences in October!
Remind App: Thank you to those who have signed up through the app. If you haven’t had a chance, please do so!
- Text the message @mrsneills4 to the number 81010.
Have a great evening!