Classroom Updates

Midweek Updates 11/28

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
APTT: Tomorrow is our 2nd APTT meeting in the library at 5:00! Snacks will be provided! 🍪
Homework & Math Test: We have homework tonight which is review for Friday. Make sure to utilize our online curriculum for review over Chapter 7!
$1.00 Dress Down: Friday is also PTA’s end of the month $1.00 Dress Down!
Posadas at the Pointe: Our Annual holiday event will be on Wednesday, December 19th. We are looking for donations to help with the crafts that will be made that night! Please take a look at the list and if you are able to make any donations, we would greatly appreciate it!
Stamina Challenge: We are still working towards building our stamina for reading multiple lengthy texts and have reached 10 minutes! It is important that students are reading nightly at home even if it is not a direct homework assignment.
Cookie Dough Pick Up: Monday, December 10th until 6:00 PM. All orders MUST BE PICKED UP that day.
Have a great rest of your week!


Last Minute Reminders 11/20

Good Afternoon,

     I had to leave unexpectedly today therefore I wasn’t able to communicate as much as I would have liked with the students.
Science Test: Students placed their science notebook in their backpacks before I left. Yesterday, we wrote definitions on note cards so that they can study from them as definitions are a crucial part of science.
Disguise a Turkey: If your student is participating, tomorrow is our judging day!
No School Thursday & Friday
RISE Cards: Tomorrow is our last day with our RISE cards for the month. We will begin new ones on Monday. Please take a moment to review your students week and sign under Week 4. I was not able to communicate this with them before I left!
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Weekly Update 11/19

Good Morning,

    Please take a moment to review the following information:
Progress Reports: Thank you to those who signed and returned theirs today! Please make sure they are returned by Wednesday so that I know communication about grades was made.
Disguise a Turkey: As a fun, at home, activity students received a turkey to disguise along with directions. This is an optional activity and we will have a competition for those who choose to participate. Please have them returned by Wednesday so that we can vote before our 4 day weekend!
Laveen Lions Food Drive: We are still looking for canned vegetables for our food drive. Any contribution is appreciated!
Science Test: Students will take their Science test on Wednesday over magnets! We have been working hard and note-taking daily. They will bring home study materials tomorrow to prepare!
No School: We do not have school Thursday or Friday.
Stamina Challenge: We are working on building our stamina for reading. On standardized testing, students are expected to read multiple stories with multiple paragraphs. As I had described to them, when running a 5k, you don’t start with 3.1 miles, you build your stamina to get there. We will be reading daily in class for periods of time to help build them up! I encourage you, to help us with the challenge, and have your students reading daily for more than 15 minutes at a time!
Have a great week!

Laveen Lions Food Drive

Good Morning,

   Tis’ the season for our annual food drive to support those in our community that need a little extra help this year.
Thank you,
Mrs. Jessica Neill M.Ed
Paseo Pointe Elementary School
4th Grade Teacher RM 218
(602) 304-2040 ext 3855
“May your future be worthy of your dreams”-Barbara Bush

Weekly E-mail 11/13

Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Math Test: Tomorrow students have their Chapter 6 assessment over division. We have spent 3 weeks on division and reviewed for 3 days. Utilize the on-line curriculum as an additional resource.
Early Release: Tomorrow is an early release at 11:30 and students may wear a college t-shirt or jersey with uniform pants!
Writing Assignment: Students have a writing assignment that we are done working on in the classroom. If they did not finish, it is their responsibility to complete it at home through Google Classroom. Please let me know if you’d like me to confirm whether your student is one that needs to finish.
Cookie Dough: Don’t forget that Friday is the day to turn in Cookie Dough funds! If you sold any cookie dough, please make sure to have the envelope returned to school by FRIDAY.
Progress Reports: Quarter 2 progress reports will be sent home by the end of this week or early next week. I will send an e-mail letting you know that these are going home. Please remember that we are only at the half way point to mastering standards and students have 4+ weeks to master them.
Enjoy the rest of your week!

Weekly E-mail 11/5

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Tomorrow Chipotle Dine Out: Tomorrow is our dine out fundraiser for Paseo Pointe. Please mention our school when you go in to order and a percentage of your purchase will go towards our school!
Laveen Lions Penny & Food Drive: Our penny drive is well on its way and now we will begin our food drive! This year, the Laveen Lions have decided to give each grade level an assignment to bring it donations. 4th grade is canned vegetables. Please help us support those who are less fortunate during the holidays. We appreciate your continued support to helping those in our community!
Division Practice: As a grade level, we are seeing a trend of needing extra support in division. I have added a link to google classroom where students may practice at home using the traditional algorithm. In addition, students were assigned practice assignments through our on-line curriculum and were e-mailed personally with how to log in.
Pen Pals: We will finally begin writing to our pen pal’s in Pennsylvania this week. We have been quite busy but are finally able to make some time to get our letters written and sent out. As a reminder, if you wish that you student not participate in this activity, please e-mail me so that I can make other arrangements for your child.
Enjoy your week! As always, if you need anything, please feel free to e-mail, text or call!

Dia de los Muertos!

Dear Parents,

 On Friday we will be celebrating Dia de los Muertos here at Paseo Pointe. Our classroom will be having a mini celebration. We are in need of donations to help with this celebration! We need parents to help by donating Pan de Muerto for our classroom to enjoy. This must be store bought and can be found at Food City or Ranch Market.

In the library we have an altar set up for students to put pictures of their loved ones who have passed away for display. This can be a family member, pet or anyone that they were close with.
On Friday we will also be offering a dollar dress down. Students are encouraged to dress up and come to school with their face painted as a sugar skull.
Please let me know ASAP if you will be able to donate store bought Pan de Muerto to our classroom. 

Weekly Update 10/22

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Conference Week: Thank you to those who have signed up for conferences. Please remember that 15 minute conferences are scheduled and I will do my best to adhere to the time! If you are unable to make your appointment, please send me a message on the Remind App or in an e-mail so that I can adjust my schedule as needed.
Picture Day Retakes are Tuesday: Students who are interested in picture day retakes must bring the filled out picture form with the check/cash inside of the envelope portion. They may dress accordingly!
Red Ribbon Week:
  • Monday: Superhero theme: “Our future is bright, soar drug free!”
  • Tuesday: Cowboy/Cowgirl theme: “Give drugs the boot!”
  • Wednesday: Sports day: “Team up against drugs”
  • Thursday: Wacky hair & clothes day: “Drugs are whack!”
  • Friday: Red day- “We are RED-y to be drug free!
 Please note that students who participate and dress according to the theme do not need to bring a dollar for dress down. Students who do not participate must be in school uniform.
Community Service Project: We are still in need of the following items especially socks! If you are able to donate, we would greatly appreciate it!
  • deodorant/chapstick
  • toothbrush/toothpaste
  • wet wipes
  • socks******
  • granola bars
  • combs
  • sunscreen
  • soap
  • hand lotion
  • hand sanitizer
Early Release: Thursday & Friday are early release days at 11:30pm. Please be sure your student knows how they are getting home!
Book Fair: The fall book fair is this week! They will be open before school and after school for students who wish to purchase books. They are also offering a late day on Wednesday until 5:30pm!
Penny Drive: The Laveen Lions have begun their penny drive to help those in need. Many students have been preparing for this yearly fundraiser and have been bringing in pennies! Thank you to those who have already donated and keep them coming 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Red Ribbon Week

Next week is Red Ribbon Week here at Paseo Pointe! This year’s theme is Life is your Journey, Travel Drug Free! At Paseo Pointe, this is a great way for students and staff to commit to living drug free! Below you will find the theme for each day. Please encourage your student to participate.The student who is the most spirited each day may receive a little something! 🙂 
Monday: Superhero theme: “Our future is bright, soar drug free!” 
Tuesday: Cowboy/Cowgirl theme: “Give drugs the boot!”
Wednesday: Sports day: “Team up against drugs”
Thursday: Wacky hair & clothes day: “Drugs are whack!” 
Friday: Red day- “We are RED-y to be drug free! 
Please note that students who participate and dress according to the theme do not need to bring a dollar for dress down. Students who do not participate must be in school uniform.
Can’t wait to see your student get creative and show their best attire for each theme!