Happy Friday fourth grade families! 

Math: In math this week, we continued with Chapter 2: Multiply Whole Numbers. Students worked on their conceptual understanding of multiplication with multi-digit whole numbers and began learning the standard algorithm for multiplying multi-digit whole numbers. Next week, we will continue working on the standard algorithm for multiplying multi-digit whole numbers and complete Chapter 2. I plan for students to take their Chapter 2 Assessment on Thursday, September 30. Students’ scores for this assessment will be included in Quarter 2’s grades, as there will not be sufficient time for retakes before the end of Quarter 1. 

ELA: This week we continued reading Night of the Spadefoot Toads (chapter 11-12). While reading, we focused on analyzing how characters responded to both internal and external conflicts and how these key details can help scenes connect to the overall story. We also focused on analyzing the language within the text, including the author’s use of punctuation and italics. Additionally, we read a haiku and analyzed the meaning of the hyperbole within the poem. Students used their knowledge of spadefoot toads from the novel to understand the poem’s true meaning. 

In writing, students had the opportunity to share their narrative stories with their peers that they worked so hard on last week! Students demonstrated an ability to follow assigned roles, respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion, elaborating on the remarks of others, and summarizing a text read aloud.


*As a friendly reminder, all definitions and notes for each of the ELA concepts we have covered can be found in student’s ELA notebooks. 


Social Studies: 

This week students focused on the architecture and infrastructures of the Aztec Empire. Students discussed the importance of aqueducts, roads, and causeways to the Aztec people. Students then used their knowledge of these characteristics to analyze image sources of the Aztec Empire. 


This week students applied their knowledge of electrical circuits by building their own flashlight. Students created a plan and tested their plan. Students had to include a power source, resistor, switch, conductors, and insulator. We will be wrapping up our electrical circuits unit next week and assessing, however, the grade for this assessment will be on 2nd quarter. 

ParentVUE: Friendly reminder to please check ParentVUE regularly for updates on students’ academic progress. Please check assignment descriptions and individual assignment comments for feedback as well. With Quarter 1 ending next week, all redo, missing, and incomplete work needs to be completed and turned in by Wednesday, September 29 so that report card grades can be finalized prior to Fall Break.

DOJO: Reminder to please check Dojo often, as we will be using this to communicate student behaviors throughout each day by giving students positives, warnings, and infractions based on their behavior. Next week, a printed Dojo report for the month of September will be sent home to be signed, so that students can participate in ROAR recess next Friday.

Face Coverings at School: Friendly reminder that masks will continue to be mandatory next week, unless you have completed and turned the Opt-Out form into the front office. 

Curriculum Night: There will be three 30 minute sessions that you have the option of attending in your student’s homeroom teacher’s classroom. The session times begin at 5, 5:30, and 6. 

Looking Ahead:

September 28 – Curriculum Night from 5 – 6:30 pm

October 4-8 – Fall Break

October 13 – early release


Have a great weekend!