Greetings Families,
I hope you are all doing well. Another week is upon us and it’s hard to believe it is the last week in January. Wow! That month flew. February will probably do the same thing and before you know it another quarter will be done.
Classroom News…
Reading: This week we will be wrapping up Unit 3 Module A by comparing the stories we have read. On Friday, students will be taking their test on the story.
Writing: We are working on our narrative essays. Last week on Thursday students were to do the prewrite and Friday we started the introduction. This week we will draft the body paragraphs and conclusion. Thursday students should be revising/editing the essay and the final copy done on Friday.
Math: We are winding down the first chapter on fractions. Wednesday we are scheduled to take the test on Chapter 8. The following day we will begin Chapter 9, adding and subtracting fractions.
Science: We will be starting a unit on phases of the moon this week.
Social Studies: We will be starting a unit on immigration and urbanization.
Progress reports: I won’t be sending the next progress report until the week of February 1-5. This falls in line with when the rest of the school sends one out.
School News…
02/03: Early release due to staff development
02/15: No School due to Presidents’ Day
02/16: NWEA MAP Assessment (Math)
02/17: Early release due to staff development
02/18: NWEA MAP Assessment (Reading)
02/19: NWEA MAP Assessment (Language)
Enjoy what is left of the weekend!