Dear Families,
Here is the news this week for you.
Classroom News:
Reading: We have started Unit 2 Module B. We are reading Real-life Superheroes by Alison Hawes.
Writing: Students should have completed two opinion works thus far in quarter two. We started a new task yesterday that is an informative essay. We will work on this until Nov. 20, 2020.
Math: Yesterday we took the test on Ch. 4. Today we will begin Ch. 6 on multiplying and dividing decimals.
Science: Today is our test on Effects of Gravity. Next week we will begin Energy and Motion.
Social Studies: We finished the Age of Jefferson. We will begin studying the Challenges of Expansion.
- Quarter 2 Progress report #2: I am going to send the new progress report today. Some students are making great progress towards mastery. Others are struggling.
- Things to improve: Students can retake their Reading test (Unit 2 Module A) and math tests (Ch. 3 and/or Ch. 4). I plan to offer those sometime before Thanksgiving.
- Writing: If you notice your child has an “F” in writing, that is more than likely due to the fact (s)he hasn’t done the work. They can complete these two opinion pieces for a better score. It is up to them to do it. I won’t be reminding them anymore since I have been doing that all along.
- Otherwise, it comes down to completing Nearpod activities, quizzes, and the independent practice.
- I recommend you look in Google Classroom at your child’s actual work completion (the documents). I can give you the log in information for your child if you want it.
- Lastly, a reminder all work is due by 8:00 am the next school day.
School News:
11/11: No school due to Veterans’ Day holiday
11/16 – 11/20: NWEA MAP assessments
- This is a very important assessment that allows us to see students’ growth towards mastery.
- How can you help?
- Make sure your child is up by 7-7:30 am.
- Make sure they have breakfast
- Make sure they have a quiet place to take the assessments
- Make sure to monitor the testing. Most tests are 45-52 questions. The minimum time it should take to complete this is 1 hr.
More information will be coming soon on NWEA MAP assessments.