Hello Parents!
In order to continue the students’ learning over the two weeks, I will be sending assignments daily through Google Classroom of learning materials previously taught throughout the year. Students will receive credit for completed assignments.

Steps on how to log on google classroom:
Step 1: Go to classroom.google.com
Step 2: Your child will login with their usual login information with @stu.laveeneld.org at the end of their login. (Example: jbuechel@stu.laveeneld.org) *If your child is unable to remember their login. Please send me a dojo message or email at jbuechel@laveeneld.org. If you are already logged in to a google account, you will need to log out in order to login the students account.
Step 3: Press “Sign in” in the top right hand corner. Students will be asked to use their password which they should already know from logging on the computers at school.
Step 4: Once logged in, students will click on their class folder and may begin their assignments for the day!

Please know that I don’t want to add stress to an already stressful time. Have your child complete what is helpful for them and your family. Old-fashioned flash card math fact practice is always a good idea, and strategy games are great for getting kids to plan and organize (Checkers, Monopoly, Mastermind, Sequence, and Yahtzee are good examples). And if kids are reading for pleasure, it’s a win-win!

Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions. Look for daily posts on ClassDojo, on my teacher website, or in google classroom to see what students will be working on for the day starting tomorrow at 8:00am. All assignments will be posted for the day in their google classroom by 8:00am.

Thank you and stay healthy!