Supply List
Paseo Pointe Elementary
Mrs. Brace & Ms. Quintero’s
Wish list for the 2021-2022 School Year
(Items are greatly appreciated, not required)
- Pencil box (not pouches)
- Crayons (no markers)
- Child scissors**
- 2 Poly/Plastic Folders with prongs
- Dry Erase Markers**
- Pencils (basic wooden, no designs)**
- 1 pack of colored printer paper** (not construction paper or cardstock)
- Lysol Wipes**
- 1 box of tissues**
- Water Bottle
- Glue Sticks** (not liquid glue)
- One extra set of clothing (school uniform)
- Hand sanitizer **
- Last name A-J: 1 box of Ziploc Sandwich bags**
- Last name K-Z: 1 box of Ziploc Gallon Bags**
**Indicates item that will be shared/donated among the whole class
You are welcome to donate more than the requested amount of items to the classroom.
Please LABEL backpacks, jackets, lunchbox and personal items (headphones-if applicable) to avoid mixing up or losing personal items.