Here is a separate link for the HOME JOB LIST and how to use it at home. Each step that they can do independently is the goal.

There are four jobs represented that are all things that could be done by each of your student’s.

Washing Dishes:
In the classroom, the students help put their snack plate or bowl into the sink after they have thrown away any of their trash or extra food. The student that helps with dishes helps rinse, wash them with dish soap on the sponge, rinse off and put them in the drying rack. Each of these steps is modified and adapted and more importantly, supervised by staff.

Checking the Mailbox:
In the classroom, students often take things to our office to drop into outgoing mail or pick up items from my mailbox. They are prompted to say “this is for the mail” or “this is for you” and put it on my desk. At home, students can do the same. They can put outgoing in the proper place, and get the mail out of the mailbox, could throw away junk mail once sorted, and give to members of the family.

Help with Laundry:
In the classroom, students help put the dishtowels or other materials that need to be laundered in the laundry basket. At home they could help do the same, sort by color ( THAT’S A HUGE COLOR MATCHING SKILL!), put into the washing machine, help pour the detergent, put clothes in the dryer, take them out and put into laundry basket, attempt to fold certain items, and help put them away.

Watering the Plants
In the classroom, students use a spray bottle to count to 5 sprays to water my classroom plant. They could do the same at home or help water with a hose- heavily monitored or it will become a really fun SPLASH time I can imagine! 🙂