

As of TUESDAY 3/23 online learning will take place in my google classroom. Your child can log in there through their student account.

Here is a video showing you how to: Accessing Google Classroom

If your student needs their login information, please email me and I will send it to you.

The invite for google classroom is already sitting in your child’s gmail here is the invite code as well: uutmg4v

Google classroom will be how students will receive daily instruction as well as complete daily assignments for grades/attendance. When this does roll out students can except to have 60-120 minutes of direct instruction being streamed to them. Also, I will have set hours of availability should students need to reach me via online.

Please have your student get comfortable with logging on and accessing google classroom from any device. Each day you will see new tasks be placed for your child. Again, they will need to be completed for attendance and grades.

Please be patient as we roll out new forms instruction delivery. We are all trying to do our best to provide a quality education to all students during this time of unknown. Thank you for all you support and understanding.

Mrs. Johnson

School Closure Resource Folder for Parents –this LIVE now will be updated periodically as I find more quality resources

District Provided Resources

Parent Resource Letter