Meet the Teacher
Please Watch the Meet The Teacher Video. You will also find your child rotation schedule and Google Class Codes below:
Mrs. Harris Class (6B) Online Rotation Schedule
ELA 8:15-9:45
Specials 9:45-10:25
Math 10:25-11:55
Lunch 11:55-12:35
Science 12:35-2:00
Social Studies 2:00-3:30
Please Note: These codes are for students in Mrs. Harris’s Homeroom Class Only. Class Codes:
ELA 7l7ty6z Google Meets for Harris Homeroom Class
Math iutg3cf
Science pkpjyaq
Social Studies sl7ctvv
If you are in Mrs. Blasie’s (6D), Mr. Plavic (6C), or Mr. Shephard’s (6A) Homeroom your ELA Google Class Codes and links for Google Meets are below:
Shepard 6A e5calt4 Google Meets for Mr. Shepard Homeroom Class
Plavic 6C s4scarv Google Meets for Mr. Plavic Homeroom Class