
Students are only given homework when assignments are not completed during class time.
Students are required to read for 30 minutes every day including Saturday and Sunday.

Selection Test
At the end of each story selection, the students are given a test. If they score less than 80%, they are required to complete a Question Analysis Form and retake the test for a higher score. They are given two weeks to complete the test, this includes absences. The test will not be reopened after the Due Date.

Blank Question Analysis Form

Assigned Readings
Students will be given two assigned readings for each unit. We will be discussing the assigned readings once a week during class time. They are required to have the assigned chapter completed prior to class in order to have a meaningful discussion with the team and classmates.

At the conclusion of the book, the students will be given a quiz and written assignment. These assignments will not be reopened if they do not pass with an 80%.


Due Date Assignment Subject More Info
Tue, Nov 22

We are currently working on our writing pieces. Please make sure you have signed both permission slip. You are under NO OBLIGATION to purchase a book, just mark NO at the bottom of the form and return it to Mrs. Harris. Books will be sent out to the publisher on November 29, 2016. The bounded and published books should be returned to the school by January. You will be invited to hear the students read excerpts from their published books.

Fri, Feb 10

Students will record the reading of the play Gluskabe and Old Man Winter using