Class Information

Dear Parents, 

My name is Megan Ruth, I am the Art Instructor at Cheatham Elementary, and I am happy to welcome you and your child to Cheatham Elementary School, and all the learning and engagement activities that will be available to you and your child this year. This year I am looking to improve my methods so that all students will be able to build up a better understanding of how to use creative practice, collaborative brainstorming and assessment, feedback guided refinement, and self and peer monitoring to improve their career readiness skills based on our standards, creative growth, and personal disposition rubrics. I will endeavor to keep in contact with you about student success and refinement areas in my class this year, and hope that you will support me in guiding your student. Below are some of the basic expectations that I have in my room for the safety and learning of all students. Hope you have a wonderful year.

  1. Students will use good listening skills at all times.
  2. All students will be on time and prepared for art class. (bring a pencil)
  3. Students will keep their art work and handouts in their shelf/drawer/box/folder/portfolio.
  4. Students will complete assignments and turn them in in a timely manner.
  5. Students will do their best, to make their projects personally relevant, and of personal interest.
  6. Students will be responsible for the materials that they use and their work space.
  7. All students will participate in setup and cleanup activities.
  8. Students will be respectful of art room materials, their classmates, and staff.
  9. We will be using paints, ink, and other mediums that are labeled washable, however some of these may stain clothes. Students are encouraged to use the paint shirts/aprons provided in the classroom, but may not be required. For cleaning some stains, it is recommended to use liquid hand soap and cool water prior to washing.


Welcome to Art
Art Teacher Ms. Ruth ~ Room 172 ~
This year in art we will be looking at developing and improving student creative development and critical thinking skills by building student planning and reflection techniques through collaborative and individualized activities. Students will explore a variety of techniques using the elements and principles of art to make art that meets state standards.
In this class students will…

  • Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
  • Relate artistic ideas and messages with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
  • Generate, conceptualize, organize, develop, refine, and complete artistic ideas and plans and projects for presentation.
  • Analyze, interpret, and select artistic creations for presentation.
  • Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic plans and projects.
  • Perceive, analyze, interpret intent and meaning, and apply criteria to evaluate artistic presentations, and provide positive, substantial feedback.
Academic Grade:

Students are required to complete guided and independent projects (including a portfolio building project in the first week) to demonstrate growth and proficiency based on standard and skills rubrics. All projects will be turned in with a clear objective, 3 sketches, a self-assessment, an artist statement and a refinement reflection. Students are expected to participate in and complete their own planning and projects independently, using collaborative brainstorming and feedback to create plans and implement refinements.
Effort Grade:

Students will be graded based on proficiency and growth in character dispositions, which are built from the Cheatham PAWS.

  • Practice Respect
  • Accept Responsibility
  • Work Together
  • Stay Safe

Due Dates:

The students have suggested due dates (5 days per project) and will be managing their time to complete projects to the best of their ability. Students will still have until the second to last day of the quarter to turn in their completed projects.

Class assignments:

Studio Projects ~ Daily Class Participation ~ Artist Statements ~ Self-Assessments ~ Sketchbook ~ Final Portfolio Completion

Materials needed daily:

  • A pencil/eraser/ruler
  • Student sketchbook (provided)
Student expectations in the art room: 

Practice Respect, Accept Responsibility, Work Together, Stay Safe

Leave personal items in backpack or at home

Complete projects and skill practices to the best of your ability

Aid in setup and cleanup of room during class

CARES dispositions Rubric


Cooperation–I show Cooperation. I am part of a community. I work with others respectfully to share resources, take my turn, and help us achieve our goals. I do what is asked of me, even if I might not always want to. I ask, “What do others need from me so we all do our best?” Looks Like/Sounds Like: Accept/give a compliment, give/offer help when needed, greet people (classmates, visitors, ect), friendly 2-way conversation, introduce yourself, make a choice with a partner, paraphrase what someone said, share information, show appreciation for help, a gift, or favor, wait one’s turn in line, to speak, share
Assertiveness–I am Assertive. My voice matters. I speak up when I see injustice or unfair treatment of others. I use my words to advocate for what I need. I ask, “How can I make a positive change so the world is a more kind and caring place?” Looks Like/Sounds Like:Ask for help/make requests, decline help, respectfully disagree, respond if someone cuts in front of them in line, respond if someone mispronounces name wrong, tell someone to stop doing something that’s unsafe or bothering them
Responsibility–I am Responsible. I do the right thing, even when no one is looking. When I see something wrong, I take action to make it right. If I make a mistake, I take responsibility and work to repair my wrong. I ask, “What is the right thing to do?” Looks Like/ Sounds Like: Admit they made a mistake, acknowledge that they broke something, apologize, blow their nose, sneeze, cough, pick up trash and throw it away, put belongings away neatly, tell an adult if someone is hurt
Empathy–I show Empathy. I put myself in someone else’s shoes. I commit to treating others as I want to be treated. I look at issues from other people’s point of view. I ask, “How would this make me feel?” Looks Like/Sounds Like: Ask a question that reflects interests, make an empathetic comment, respect personal space, respond if someone looks sad or hurt, take care of someone who goes to time out, take care of someone who loses a game, take care of someone who makes an accidental body noise
Self-Control–I show self-control. I think before speaking or acting. I use strategies to manage my emotions when I am upset or angry. I ask, “What might happen if I make this choice?”Looks Like/Sounds Like: Accept “no” as an answer, calm down, clap politely, refrain from calling out or making a comment when someone is talking, sit still during a read aloud, show excitement or other strong emotions without disturbing others, talk quietly, walk, not run, wait for a turn in a game, at water fountain, in line and so on.