Hello there! I am Mr. Artenian and I will be teaching 8th Grade Math and Science. This is my 5th year teaching but my first year at M.C Cash. I couldn’t be more excited to be here! In this years Science class we will be covering genes and DNA, plate tectonics, elements and chemical compounds, and much more. In Math, we will be covering single and multi-step equations, linear functions, geometry, and much much more!


This year’s schedule, the links for their google classrooms and expectations can be found on the corresponding pages on this webpage.

I look forward to working with your child and yourself to create growth in their developing minds!



7:30am – 9am – Math

9am – 9:40  –  Specials

9:40am – 10:25  – Science

10:25am – 11:25  – RTI

11:25am – 12:15  –  Science

12:15pm – 12:50  –  Lunch

12:50pm – 2:30  –  Math


Mr. Artenian – Math Classroom Code:  5dzpek2
Mr. Artenian – Science Classroom Code: dgijrzz