Classroom Updates

Science Fair Information!

Good Morning Parents,

    As a fourth grader, students are given their first opportunity to participate in the school and district Science Fair!
    Students will be coming home with a letter which requires a parent signature for communication purposes as well as a testable questions sheet which also requires parent signature for approval purposes. The testable questions are 4th grade standards based and have been approved by the teachers. Please take a moment to sit down with your student and look over the 28 provided experiments and choose 1 to complete at home with your student. The letter coming home with explain more in depth the process of our Science fair and the dates which are a strict guideline for completion.
   For your reference, please write down the following dates in a safe place:
  • Parent Acknowledgment & Testable Questions DUE March 6th
  • Class Science Fair-FRIDAY, APRIL 19th
  • School Science Fair (Grade level winners participate)-THURSDAY, APRIL 25th. 

Galileo Information

Good Afternoon! 
We will begin our Benchmark 2 testing on Monday. Please be sure that your student is at school each day and ready!  It is important that your student is at school on time, is well rested, and has eaten breakfast! 
Before testing I encourage you to talk with your student about the test. A few questions you can ask them are: 
  • What are the expectations when you are taking a test?
    • The expectation is that students remain focused, take their time, and use the provided scratch paper for every problem. For math, they should show their work for each problem and for reading they should write their evidence or explain why they picked the answer that they did. 
  • How are you going to be successful?
  • Are you practicing to prepare yourself at home and at school?
    • We have worked hard throughout quarter 3 to prepare for the upcoming benchmark test. Last week we completed many test talks to help prepare. Students were also provided a Galileo practice test, is your student working on it?
  • Are you reading each and every night? 
    • Don’t forget, many students should be working on their reading fluency and reading comprehension. The weekly email explains ways to do this each night at home. It is important that your student is reading daily.
  • Are you paying attention in class? 
    • If they are not on task, following directions, participating and trying their best, chances are they will not be successful on their upcoming Galileo benchmark. Talk to your student about showing RISE inside the classroom! 
Here is the testing schedule:
Monday: Galileo Writing
Tuesday: Galileo Reading (ELA)
Wednesday: Galileo Math 
Thursday: Galileo Science
Once everyone has tested, I will send home their scores using the same graph that has been presented at both conferences!

Remember: 6 weeks until AZMerit! 

Weekly Update 2/18

Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Early Release & Friday dress down: Wednesday is an ER at 11:30. Please make sure your student knows how they are getting home. In addition, Friday is a $1.00. If your student wishes to participate, be sure to send them with a donation.
Galileo: Galileo Benchmark 3 testing will begin NEXT Monday, February 25th and continue through Thursday, February 28th. We are always preparing for the benchmarks which ultimately help us on the state assessment. This week, we will be adding in more test talks that should make it home once we finish them. All paperwork that we complete in class is asked to be taken home.
Progress Reports: These were sent home on Tuesday and only a handful have been signed and returned. I ask for a signature on their Progress Report to ensure communication has been made about academics. Please let me know if you need another copy of your students progress report.
Classroom Effort: Throughout the year, as a class, we have had several discussions on putting in 100% effort in on every assignment or assessment given in the classroom. Ultimately, their report cards should reflect their knowledge of the 4th grade standards but if the effort is not there, you are not seeing what they actually know. We have 6 weeks until AZMerit,which is the assessment that tells us exactly what we have learned for an entire school year. 
     In an effort to continue our home-school partnership, I encourage you to ask your student daily:
  • Are you paying attention in class?
  • Did you put 100% effort on any quiz/test/assignment?
  • Did you participate in class discussions?
  • Did you ask questions if you didn’t understand something?
  • Did you keep your classroom conversation for appropriate times throughout the day? 
As always, thank you for your continued support. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Weekly Update 2/11

Good Afternoon,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
Progress Reports: These were scheduled to come home on Friday but we have had technical issues with our printers/copiers. Once these are fully up and running, I will send them home. In the meantime, please log into ParentVue or StudentVue if you’d like to see where your student is midway through Quarter 3.
Book Fair: This week is our Spring book fair. Students will not be visiting the book fair during school hours. If you’d like to send money with them, they may go before school or after school (as long as they are not bus riders!).
      As a reminder, we are still completing our STAMINA CHALLENGE which encourages students to read for longer periods of time without taking a break. During conferences, I mentioned this during our conversation about Galileo/AzMerit and the amount of reading required! Students should always have a book on them that they are interested!
Valentine’s Day: We will not be passing out Valentine’s or candy this year rather completing a STEM challenge with the popular conversation hearts! Thank you for your support.
Classroom Donations: Thank you to those who continuously replenish our tissues! The students greatly appreciate it. We are also looking for highlighter or black expo markers. We have gone through quite the stash throughout the year. If you are able to assist, either replenish your students personal highlighters or expo markers or make a donation to the class. Thank you as always!
Enjoy your week!

Weekly Update-REMINDERS 2/5

Good Morning,

   Please take a moment to review the following information:
It is an Early Release tomorrow at 11:30!
Don’t forget, it is also our APTT meeting beginning at 5:00pm in the gym! We will be handing out rewards as well as our next set of fractions skills. In addition, it is Barro’s dine out night! It is an all day event and proceeds do go to Paseo Pointe. Be sure to mention Paseo at check out!

Dates to Remember

Good Afternoon,

   A few dates to remember over the next 2 weeks:
Wednesday, February 6th @ 5:00 in the gym. Rewards will be handed out as well as the next set of skills to be practiced at home!
Wednesday, February 6th-Pick Up/Delivery/Dining Room 
Our school will earn 20% of the day’s proceeds-You must say PASEO
Spring Book Fair 2/11-2/15
Volunteers Needed-VOLUNTEER SIGN UP

Weekly Update-Committee Information

Good Afternoon,

   A few messages to pass on from committees on campus!
PBIS “Integrity”
January proved successful in kicking off our new monthly expectation focus.  The entire school worked on strengthening our RESPONSIBILITY around the campus and hopefully you got a chance to work on it at home as well.  Our February focus will be INTEGRITY.  Read below for each week’s emphasis and ways to support your child at home.
Week 1 Follow procedures without being asked
At school:  Know the procedures in your classroom and around the campus.  Do what you are supposed to do even when no one is looking or no one else is doing it.
At home: Set up consistent procedures so every knows what is expected.  What are the expectations for when they come home? What is the routine for getting ready for bed?
Week 2 Take responsibilities for your actions
At school: Take ownership of the choices you made without excuses. Accept the consequences of your actions.
At Home: Show empathy while keeping consequences consistent. “I’m sorry you made a that choice.  I know next time you will make a better one.”
Week 3 Share and take turns
At school:  Share equipment and materials with your classmates so that everyone can participate.
At home: Try playing a game together that encourages taking turns.
Week 4 Be honest
At school:  Tell the truth about situations even when it is hard.
At Home: Set your child up to be honest.  Don’t give your child the opportunity to fib by asking questions you already know the answer.  For example, instead of asking, “Did you finish your homework?” try, “What are you plans for finishing your homework?”
These expectations will be emphasized all month long and it will also be the guidelines in which students earn the recognition of “Student of the Month.”
Thank you for our continued partnership in teaching our students to be their very best!
Cultural Events: Black History Month Information Hunt
We are celebrating Black History Month all through February at Paseo Pointe! Students will be learning and writing about Black History in their classrooms. There are several hallway bulletin boards on our campus dedicated to Black History that we invite you to come see this month!
Also, we invite you to participate at home with this Black History Information Hunt! Here’s how to participate:
1. Attached you will find 3 worksheets. Pick the one that corresponds to your child’s grade level and print it out. (Or ask your child’s teacher to print it for you)
2. Complete the Information Hunt with your child at home. You can use the internet, encyclopedias, or even visit our library to find resources, etc. It will be a great opportunity for you to talk and learn about Black History together!
3. Have your child turn in their completed worksheet to the office!
4. Your child will receive a prize at the end of February for their participation in Black History Month!
Thank you all so much! And we hope you and your child enjoy learning about Black History!
Rams RISE!

APTT Wednesday, February 6th @ 5:00!

We will be having our 3rd APTT meeting on Wednesday, February 6th in the GYM this time! 
Awards will be given for Quarter 2 benchmark assessments to those who scored the highest and grew in 2 or more content areas!!
Please join us in celebrating our students successes as well as helping them meet the 4th grade standards!

Friday Updates 1/25

Good Morning,

    Please take a moment to review the following information:
Science Test: We were going to take our test today but many of us were not prepared to master the standard. We will spend another day of review today and their test will be Monday!
Remind App: As a reminder, Verizon customers will no longer receive my texts. Please take 1 minute to download the app if your preferred way of communication is through text!
SOS Tissues: We are down to 3 small boxes of tissues. Students are “blowing” through boxes almost daily 😉. If you are able to help us, please send in a box or two! Thank you!
Yearbook Order forms: These forms went home on Wednesday. If you student failed to give you one, please let me know and I will send another.
Enjoy your weekend! 5 full days next week!!