Welcome to kindergarten class of 2034!

I am very excited for our year together in room 128! This is going to be a fantastic school year! This year is going to be a memorable year as kindergarten is an exciting experience for everyone and is filled with great learning. As your child’s teacher, it is my goal to instill a love for learning in my students and allow students to develop a desire to become life-long learners.  I believe that parents/guardians are the most important person in a child’s life and I look forward to working together with you and your child to create a positive and productive school year. Please feel free to call or email  if you need to reach out to me.


Mrs. Brace


Tax Credit Website

Tax Credit

All On-line Payments Website

On-line Payments


In our classroom we will be using ReadyGen Kindergarten, Spalding Education (Phonics) as well as McGraw Hill Kindergarten My Math (McGraw Hill-Connect Ed). Students have access to ReadyGen and MyMath sites that can be found on the Paseo Pointe Website under Students.

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